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由VanK113編輯: 7/2/2020 3:51:28 PM

[XBOX] The 'Guardians of Europa' have reached out,

...Will you be the one to answer their call? We're looking to expand our smaller clan by the time the 'Beyond Light' is released. Some backstory; The site says I started this clan back in 2017 but I've been the simi-soul inhabitor ever since Destiny 1. I'm hoping that enough Guardians are willing to help bolster the ranks of my clan and be willing to help other noobie players with the game. Just like how it seems with the Mysterious Stranger, I'd love to help anyone with whatever they'd need help with, within reason of course. Now, onto what this clan is about. Pretty much the same, I'd love to have us help all kinds of Guardians. Whether or not they have a mic, or are lacking some skill. I'd love for us to be a beacon of help in a sea of competitiveness. That's all I have for now, so I hope you find the clan that's right for you! And as always; - Be Silent like Snowfall, But Hit like Hail



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