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6/26/2020 5:00:09 PM

Bring back skill based matchmaking ASAP!

I thought it wasn't going to be a problem at the beginning, but the past six days I've just been getting OWNED. I get what you said about having fun and not winning at all costs, but there IS fun in getting better, and there is fun in being the best in a match and getting a good KDA. Right now the skill gap is so wide I don't even know how to get better to overcome. Furthermore, not having skill-based matchmaking is not a friendly environment for new New Lights interested in the crucible. I was really excited about getting a friend of mine into Destiny PVP after we got disappointed with Valorant; even then I was worried that my KDA at the time would make it harder for her to get into the PVP as she is new to the FPS genre. Now there is just no entry point. I cant look out for her in a game, cause i can't even look out for myself. You could also argue that pairing the really good players against the casual or newer player, is disrespectful to those who earnt their skills through hard work. There is fun in the challenge of getting to be one of the better players and many people like the challenge.



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  • I completely agree! Destiny PvP has always been my favorite since Destiny 1 and I don’t usually like PvP. I’m not a great player by any means but I could hold my own. I’ve had plenty of matches where I would be on the top of the board. Now it’s frustrating and I’m VERY lucky to be in the middle. I don’t mind losing but when you are getting completely OWNED every match it becomes depressing and borderline insane to even try. Sounds like Bungie just wants to cater to the top 1%. I’ll try my luck in IB this week and see how that goes...



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  • The only way to get SBMM back is to have your voice heard. Make post on the forum asking for sbmm back. Like all the post that want it back. And stop playing crucible. And tell your friends and have them spread the word. Don't play crucible, Show Bungie how we feel. Boycott crucible tell your friends If you want your pinnacle rewards go play elimination or comp, let the sweats play each other this season. Ps. If I don't respond to you, that means your not worth my time or effort.



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    • the problem that i see since SBMM went out of the game is that if you dont bring a party you will get some random blueberrys who dont even want to try to get better in pvp, yesterday i played crucible for 9 matches lost 7, even when on 3 of those 7 i was the player with most kills and K/D (arround 3 and 4 aprox) i mean i know i can play decent but i cant carry the wole team when i play with random players, and at this point is very rare when i get a decent team (im not the best but i always try to take one of the other team when im defeated) but in a 5v5 or 6v6 2 players cant carry the wole team when they are beeing killed on the respawn point, i think SBMM was good bc i get better at the game by playing with players with the same skills, i manage to have better armor and weapons and practice how to use almost any weapon instead getting married with revocant for example XD, SBMM is needed so new players can learn the basics of pvp without getting erradicated by a pro who K/D is almost at 7 every single match,and players with more experience cant get afected by a new player who will feed the enemy team



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    • Bad players dont gain skill with sbmm. They just die less and get more kills against equally bad players, that isnt the same as actually getting better.



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      • They say play elimination it has SBMM, but played 5 games got -blam!- slapped in every one. 2 players had a perfect or never perfect KDS. Got farmed in every match. BUNGIE, SBMM is good, stop bending to the few and unScrew this.



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        • If you are getting slapped then it is because you need to improve. You have to learn to be good, it usually isn't just given to you.



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          • We need a choice SBMM or CBMM let the players decide.



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          • Welcome to the crap they call CBMM.



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            • You want PvP tips? At your skill level, just a few tweaks should help you improve greatly.



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