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6/22/2020 6:26:57 PM

Parental Playtime (XBOX) looking for startup members!!!

Are you a parent? Do you have minimal time for gaming, but spend most of that available time playing Destiny 2? Parental Playtime is the clan for you! I started this clan to be a place for people who understand and can relate to what it's like to love Destiny and hold down parental responsibilities. A place where we DON'T stay up all hours of the night because we have work the next day. A place where we'll do a raid if we have the time and no one will pressure you to join or be mad at you for NOT doing it because we all understand that parental grind - the most important grind of them all! We're low-key, kind, understanding, patient ... if a little lame - but that's okay! Born of three players who've spent the past several years playing Destiny together (they don't know yet 'cause I just started this today :) ) I think we need a clan where people like us can hang out and share our love for Destiny. If you're out there, drifting through the void and this sounds like a good clan to land on where you can help it get its start, join up! We'd be glad to have you!



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