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6/16/2020 1:40:29 AM

Hey Bungie, Can We Talk About Guardian Games?

Bungie, please read all of this and hear me out. ... Ok look. I brought this up before and there was no good answer for it, so I'd like some just open dialogue here. Guardian Games was broken, and that unnerves me. No one ever revealed internally how it got to that point, and I get it, you already have people out for Lukes head, you dont need people harrassing even more people on the team. I personaly dont care - who- did it, I just want to know what happened. Math, logic, and game design are super important to me, and I want to understand where things went wrong. I have several assumptions that point to a bad base data set, and that's from a potentially hunter-heavy season prior to the event, an event that very clearly made it obvious to many people that titans were going to be the easiest thing to use to grind with. So it didn't fundamentally seem to prove anything about the classes per say, or solve anything with balance if that was your ultimate goal, figuring out how to pressure people to use different builds. It feels like you should have forced people to pick a class that they would solely be using for the event lock that down, they can play other classes but none would count other than the one they submitted, monitored it for the first week, figure out whats lopsided, and start normalizing from there. So, what happened? What was the developer goal behind the scenes ? You dont force people to do an event without trying to also gain data for improvements, so what was going on in the technical side of things? Ok, thats it... just wondering.



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