Why can't I get some videos approved on the Creations page?
I have been having a lot of trouble trying to get a few of my videos on the Creations page in order to have a chance at Movie of the Week. The time that submissions are approved seems to be very inconsistent. I have about submitted the same video about 2 times just trying to get it approved. I have had some videos approved within 6 hours of submitting it, others, I have had, for lack of a better term, ignored. I submit a video, and I go to look at the creations page a few hours later and new content is added, my video excluded. I'm just a little upset that I lose my chance at MOTW because my video doesn't get approved. If it has something inappropriate and it doesn't get approved, I would at least like to know why that video doesn't belong on the Creations page.
Creations don’t have a set time to be approved or denied because it entirely depends on how many are in the queue.
You won’t be informed if your creation is denied nor will you be told why, that’s just the way creations works.
So approvals can vary from hours to a week or more.
All I can suggest is to be patient, and then if it’s been over a week, you can submit again.
But submitting several time over a day or so does risk your entries being denied just because someone may think it’s already been approved when they see multiple.