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5/17/2020 7:40:33 PM

Videos of cheating in Trials/comp

Is there a way to upload videos of cheating to the enforcement team? Last night I was playing trials with two friends when we matched a team blatantly. In the first round one guy was using an aim bot. At the end of the round he left the game. We thought bungies anti cheat removed him. We won the next 4 rounds but at the end of the 4th round he returned to the game. For the next 5 round my team was hit with a tether that went through buildings and delivered pulsating damage. Something really needs to be done. I looked up his account after the match and the guy has a 29.5 k/d. I don’t understand how that doesn’t raise flags and it makes it very difficult to advocate for destiny.



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  • If you suspect cheating or another reportable offense, please use the in-game report system. For those who want to take the extra step by submitting evidence or are unable to report them in-game, you may use the manual tool here: Please keep in mind that before using this tool, you are positive of the person's wrongdoing. Misuse of this tool can result in disciplinary action against your account.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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