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5/14/2020 5:40:22 AM

More Questions about Secret Victories Emblem for Wayfarer Title

Hello again! I want to apologize if posting about the same type of question is against the rules, but I fear that BNGHelp6 was unable to answer all of my questions after his initial answer. TLDR of that post is I'm trying to get the Secret Victories emblem and didn't get it from a drop that USED to drop it. The official answer was [quote]"For the Secret Victories emblem, it's a random drop from the Blind Well."[/quote] but my question is this... There are a few sources that say completing all of the Ascendant challenges also awards this. The Ascendant Time Trials award a different one, and is guaranteed through a drop in the collections tab, but the Secret Victories emblem does not. Is this information outdated? Ive acquired the Abide the Return Sword since yesterday, and am that much closer to getting the Title. Forgive me if I sound needy, I'm just really excited :) I'm hoping that the last thing I have to get is a final Heroic Adventure on Titan (Especially if its going to be under assault by those spooky triangles soon!) Once more, thanks for all the help you can give me.



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