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由ImaDuck編輯: 5/8/2020 5:32:30 PM

Please un-nerf Momento Mori

Please un-nerf the changes made to Momento Mori way back when that causes the 6 Momento Mori rounds to disappear when swapping to a different weapon. This nerf does not make sense when compared to other exotic weapons such as Symmetry and Lumina. Both Dynamic Charge and Noble Rounds stay on its weapon when switching to a different weapon. I understand there was a different meta back then and nerfing Ace was slightly justified, but in the current meta leaving Momento Mori rounds when swapping weapons is only fair. Momento Mori rounds even disappear when you pull out your ghost or activate your super, what’s up with that? Anyways, just some thoughts on one of my favorite hand cannon.



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