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由Monstar Deluxe編輯: 5/6/2020 11:33:42 AM

Destiny 2 : Can You Get a Refund?

So it's been six weeks since Newt / Watercress locked all Destiny content - so is it possible for you to get a refund? Let's find out. Usually any Xbox purchase that you make older than 14 days are non-refundable, but you can apply for an exception in situations where the software itself is broken. This excludes any Silver purchases you made (DLC refunds are "eligible only if the item wasn’t modified or used") and also any individual Seasons you purchased directly via Bungie. In this particular case I've applied to microsoft for a refund value of ~$250. I'll be updating this thread with all and any communication I get from Microsoft so you can see what your rights and options are when a game suspends service for more than a month. This may well come to nothing, as we get told that we don't have any legal right, but with whatever feedback I get you might be a little bit better equipped to apply yourself. UPDATE: So, to spare you the long cut and paste, the short version is : [b]No[/b]. If you purchased timed DLC, such as a Destiny Season pass, and you were locked out of it while it expired, then that's just bad luck. Microsoft Customer Assistance was pretty good, and gave me a more than one call-back to follow up my request. They were friendly, but stuck to the policy that [b]anything[/b] purchased digitally more than 15 days prior to claim in non-refundable. That includes any software that completely stops functioning. The agent confirmed that in the unlikely event that should Destiny 2 never come back online for anyone with an Newt / Watercress error, then that's beyond their control. The lesson here is that should anyone who [b]recently[/b] purchased Destiny or any DLC find themselves with a Newt / Watercress error locking their game, they should request a refund [b]immediately[/b]. If you have contacted Bungie via forums and been told your '[i]issue has been noted for further inquiry'[/i] etc then this still counts as your refund window running. Waiting for Bungie to fix the issue will not help you, and it would be better to re-purchase later on when things have been fixed/ or during the next season. I hope this help anyone.



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