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4/29/2020 7:35:19 PM

Secret Victories emblem for wayfarer

I've looked everywhere, been told at least 4 different methods but yet no one can figure out where the secret victories emblem for the forsaken badge that's required for the wayfarer title comes from. One method detailed actually getting the emblem through opening all dreaming city ascendant chests. Well as of about 5 minutes ago (from this post's release) i just completed that with no emblem received. My postmaster is empty aside from a couple of guns from earlier in the week. Other methods state grinding blind well or doing each ascendant challenge (which to be honest, i don't have the patience to bother doing unless it's certain i need that to get the base emblem for whatever reason), each of these granting you a variant of the emblem as well as the emblem itself. As of season of the worthy that's all separated now, and having only gotten the blind well one recently, I was not part of the group who obtained the emblem with this method. There's no source listed in game or in any database. So bungie (or any community members who have gotten this [u]after[/u] the release of season of the worthy) I now ask, how do i get this? And if it's impossible to get for whatever reason, can you fix this. Looking around I know i'm not the only one and it's pretty annoying when you've been trying to grind out a title. It must be even worse for new light players who thought they could just go in and get wayfarer because it seemed easy, but is actually (potentially) bugged.



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  • 由TmF1979編輯: 4/29/2020 7:50:15 PM
    [quote]bungie (or any community members who have gotten this [u]after[/u] the release of season of the worthy) I now ask, how do i get this?[/quote] I got mine 3 weeks into the season by completing an Ascendant Challenge. It was the last Challenge that I had to complete, so I don't know if the emblem was a random drop or if completing all 6 Challenges is what triggered it.



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