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4/24/2020 6:19:03 PM

Destiny 2: Loot Revise option for now and D3

It seems with guardian games that Bungie would like guardians to to explore or actually use the whole game i.e planet quests, planet bounties, forges, etc. But the problem is there’s no real reward from doing any of this except for the new exotic weapon and some glamour points. I also have read through the forums and find people are frustrated with the past updates taking away the old classic armor and even the weapons (myself not to happy with the state of ikelos weapons). On top of that triumphs are merely a notification page that says hey you did this, 20 points to slytherin. What if it could be fixed? What if these reward systems were unified and gave away items to grind for and that actually affected your style of playing the game? The answer is actually the problems themselves plus a bit of an eververse infusion. I like eververse! I said it’s done, move on. With bungie moving out of their parents basement and standing as a solid and solo company I get why the money wall for accessories is important and smart. It’s for cosmetics and it allows gamers with the money to trade for something that will freshen up their look and bring a visual of uniqueness. That being said I see a lot potential in this expanding to actual rewards and even story tie ins. Other games have capitalized on this and as an example WARFRAME, in various degrees. What I purpose and would love to see are these unique and well crafted designs for ships, sparrows and on the full front ornaments being pushed to triumphs page as well as planetary vendor rewards. Imagine being able to look at your triumph page and say I need to grind gambit because the total triumph points I need to get an ornament set is 1000 points and each triumph you would finish would drop an ornament for your helmet and the next one for boots and so on. Mixed in with a gambit exclusive ghost shell, sparrow and ship you could make the game an actual challenge and remove them from loot drop table. So you can play and really enjoy the “dings!” that come from a legendary weapon/ engram drop but still have a goal. Same goes for ornaments. The planet vendors haven’t had anything worth striving for since year one. But the planets themselves have some great game play through bounties, and patrol quests. Plus that one or two unique story telling quest that usually ties in to a unique legendary or exotic quest. The story overall can be used to help those lore junkies and still provide a satisfying road of content. This plus the idea of working with a vendor to tell said story to achieve a planetary ornament set. So what happens after you get said ornaments and the unique quest that you beat to start or get an exotic/ unique legendary weapon? Incomes the planet exclusive mods. Embedded in to these mods comes a unique mod that can help with either getting glimmer/ items or even adding a 10% perk to how much damage you do. Sky’s the limit... however the quest and patrols would have to be upgraded too with these new rewards but instead make them have random roll unique legendary or legendary sparrows/ghosts/ ships/ etc. What about Eververse? What is she supposed to sell? One word: Seasonal. She can still maintain the seasonal rewards and over all function she does now. Bungie is unique in my opinion because they make wonderful art pertaining to eververse and at such a rapid pace. Now I mentioned WARFRAME earlier; They have a wonderful community in which they are split right now with concerns, however one of their “problems” is actually a good hook for their community in which they have opened their creative designs to the community. The community actually can be apart of the creation of the next cool or not so cool fashion design for consumption by the games community adding a zing to the question: “What’s coming out next time”. Times are changing and people want diversity and people want a game that can be versatile but yet interactive online and offline. My generation of gamers were the Mario/ super Mario days and as a gamer since then I’ve seen a lot of great games turn trash online and offline. I see games now as prehistoric and yet updated to this generations desires such is Doom and Doom Eternal. Yes Doom, one of the first games I played way back when. It thrives and causes controversy with it’s a great game but with a controversy pertaining to how can I play more of this faster. Destiny is different as the more is there and faster isn’t needed. But rather it lacks a common sense of what games were to which it’s edging towards what games could be granted if a game wants you to push and speed through paper mache content. Destiny 2 year one was rough but with updates and progression towards a unique and very broad scope of what a game can be it seems to be narrowing the scope of what Destiny is: a redefining game for games beyond.



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