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由slothilyy編輯: 10/11/2019 8:41:28 PM

First 2 Garden raid chests did not drop loot for me (video proof)

After finishing the first encounter of the Garden of Salvation raid on Wednesday, I did not receive any loot from the encounter chest. Similarly, I did not receive a drop from the “secret” chest before the second encounter. No items popped on my screen nor was there anything in my inventory or postmaster. My fireteam was unaffected all received loot as expected. This was the first time I attempted the raid after the weekly reset so it was not a repeat encounter. I did the same encounter on the same character prior to the weekly reset and received rewards as expected. Other members of my fireteam were also on the same characters they were on when we beat the first encounter the previous week and, again, were unaffected. My video linked here shows the encounter, no drops from either chest, and no updates in the feed showing anyone getting loot (even though I heard them all saying what they got). I know stuff happens, but is there a bug or do I just lose out on 2 raid drops - one being pinnacle? Thanks for any information! My profile will show the only two attempts I have made, one each week since Shadowkeep launched. Thanks, again. edit: dont judge my jumping or aim. :P



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