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3/18/2020 8:15:37 AM

Annual Pass bugged

Me and my friend share the Destiny account but for some reason this year's annual pass is bugged. Basically he can play the seasonal contents on his console, but when I log in Destiny on my console it says that I don't own the annual pass. The most strange thing is that, even tho I buyed shadowkeep deluxe edition, I didn't even have access to season of the undying back then. P.S. At first I thought that it was just a bug, so I waited for the next season; but then I didn't have much time to post it here and it took me quite a long time to do it.
#Help #annualpass



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  • There is no Annual Pass for this year. The only Annual Pass was for the three seasons that immediately followed Forsaken. This year, a season pass is required for each season. Season passes cannot be shared. Only the account that buys the season pass will have access to it. You do have the Deluxe Edition items in your collection, but once again, if the Deluxe Edition was purchased with a different account than the one you're using to play, you won't have access to the passes. Also, since you have cross save enabled, depending on which account you used to buy the Deluxe Edition, and whether it was before or after you turned on cross save, the season passes may be activated on the characters you aren't currently using.



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