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由Shade-Coldfang編輯: 3/6/2020 6:26:44 PM

New Hack seen in Crucible

So i played a bit Crucible today... nothing Special tbh Control it is the Match was Pretty Balance till i saw something was not right. there it was... hacker... not one it was multiple Hackers.... but what have they done. Let me tell you i was a Bottom tree sentinel Titan... (never played Titan in Crucible) There was a Hacker who played Warlock who can place Titan Bariers... i thought no way this did not just happen... (it was not the last thing i saw) So i decided to use my Super i ran to Point a cuz one Lonely Hunter was there... (tasty kill) but nah... i charged at him and he managed to soak up 5 hits from my Super after that he Died and Suddely a Swarm nade poped up on me and the hunter who was dead spawned Dawnblade supper attacks to kill me... 2 direct hits and i died mid super.. WTF so now hackers use Skills from other classes and can spawn Supers from other classes... thats just Awful Pls Bungie... do something.. oh and Btw its funny that Warlocks can put down as many healing rifts as they want (#Hacks)



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