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由Speaker編輯: 3/1/2020 2:00:44 PM

I'd like to lodge a complaint about people who complain.

I am gamer, and I expect everything to go swimmingly with [i]my game[/i]. If you so much as question my loyalty or whether or not [i]my game[/i] is fun. I shall bring down upon you the wrath of the [b]Holy Neckbeard army[/b], ready to defend [i]my game[/i] to the death. There is nothing that needs to be fixed about [i]my game[/i], if you didn't have fun playing it you should just git gud, delete your character, and go play some fortnight, you [b]dwarf[/b]. I'm sorry are you using reasonable discussion techniques to try to weather my points, clearly you don't understand english and you can't frame a question properly. Why don't you climb back under your rock troll! Nobody wants you here, in fact, anyone who does not love [i]my game[/i] should just stop playing; leave. Are you twelve?? Did I stutter?? [b][u]Muted[/u][/b] EDIT: HEY, I just looked up your stats; you're just trash anyways. EDIT 2: Mad coz bad
#Offtopic #satire



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