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2/7/2020 12:47:31 PM
I highly recommend watching some videos that show off the best weapon combos. Arekkz Gaming has fantastic weapon tutorials. Don't rush into fights with new monsters mindlessly. You'll get thrashed. Play defensive until you think you have their moves figured out and then smack them. Certain weapons are better for different situations. For Example: Hammers should be used for smacking heads while Insect Glaives should be used for mounting.



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  • I did find Arekkz video last night. Was watching on how to customize the radial wheel and how to use the sword and shield. I have some others cued up for later viewing. I try to play the game for a while and fumble and stumble. Then I start watching videos. If I do so before playing, I don't have a clue to what people are talking about. I'm learning something everyday.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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