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1/14/2020 5:07:21 PM

YouTube has taken the fun out of the game

[u]My main point[/u] This makes content [u]less exciting[/u] (because of constant spoilers) and over faster. These are the roots of the games largest problems and biggest complaints of the community right now. [u]My subjective rant[/u] With YouTube - We have all the answers a click and 10 min away. We immediately have someone in a video to show us the EASIEST and FASTEST ways to beat the game. And we wonder why it isn't fun... Beating things by ourselves by using problem solving and curiosity is cornerstone to great videogames. You're supposed to get [u]stuck[/u] and then finally figure it out and be the happiest ever. Good videogames don't give you all the answers, they give you hints along the way and challenge you to think differently.



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  • I think that is just the nature of technology. This puzzle seems to be intended to be worked on by a group, so the more people you have working on it, the faster you will come to the solution. Without youtube, I am sure people would still do the same, but release a document to help others that are lazier with the process. This mindset has always been prevalent in schools when it comes to testing, I think it is simply human nature. Really, I think it is fine. I am trying to do it with myself and a few buddies to enjoy the experience, but I do not care if others simply copy the answers instead of doing the work themselves. If I get frustrated, I would possibly look to getting answers as well. Now, if those same people complain that the experience was too easy even though they waited to copy the answers, then they have themselves to blame.



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