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1/5/2020 9:26:58 PM

Please add an option to sort bounties by "expiration"

Pretty simple request but who knows how simple it'll be to implement! But Bungie, I would absolutely love a way to sort my bounties by what's expiring soonest. That's usually how I work through my bounties, looking at what's expiring first and then trying to 4-birds-1-stone by seeing which other bounties/quest I can knock out at the same time. It would honestly make my in-game experience significantly better if I could automatically sort bounties by expiration and be able to look at them that way. Thank you!!



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  • Great minds - I had exactly this same thought the other day. Now that artefact XP grinding requires you to hold so many bounties all the time, being able to pick out the one that has "23 minutes left" from the rest would be much easier of it simply sorted to the top of the list!



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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