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12/25/2019 1:39:54 AM

So, I just watched Rise of Skywalker and I want your opinions (Spoilers)

My family and I went to the movies to watch it as a little Christmas gift. We love the Star Wars movies (my mom hates the prequels and my sister hasn’t watched the prequels and barely remembers the originals) and we were all excited to see it. In short, I liked it, but when did my opinion amount to anything? Plus, I’m super easy to please, so there’s that. However, I can see why a lot of people hate it. There were plenty of ass-pulls and the pacing was super quick. Palpatine seemed to be there only to lure in the hard core fans and wasn’t given much screen time. We didn’t even get a clear explanation as to how he lived through the Death Star 2’s explosion. But I really did like that scene where he used a bunch of force power and shot a beam of lightning up into the sky. I also liked the scene where a bunch of ships appeared to help the resistance. It was like a weaker version of that Endgame scene. You know which one I’m talking about. I’d talk a lot more about every major scene, but I don’t have time. Me and my family are about to do our annual Christmas cookie decorating. So, I want to know what you thought about the movie. The reviews I’ve seen have been surprisingly mixed, so I wanna know where you stand. [spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]



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  • 由WILLtheKILLA5編輯: 12/26/2019 6:49:50 PM
    Shit tier fan fiction used as a bandaid over administrative mishandling of the franchise. Star Wars is now banished to the bowels of Disney+ for better or worse.



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    1 回覆
    • I like how every single Jedi influential in he Skywalker Saga chimes in to help Rey defeat Palpatine. My favorite part about the entire movie is that she’s no longer a Mary Sue. She’s the flipping Granddaughter of Palpatine! My only wish is that there was a final scene with every Force ghost in the saga.



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      12 回覆
      • I personally thought that it was well done. They could've left out the tatooine scene at the end, but overall it was good.



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      • 1: Plot Holes. I hate them. (Pulling objects through space/time, Death Star remains on a planet not Endor etc) 2: Palpatine claims he was in every Sith who ever lived and actually died, according to himself. So basically when Rey killed him, she killed the Sith. Smart move by Disney 😝. 3: every true SW fan knows Ben should’ve been the Skywalker, Ben should’ve killed Palpatine, Ben should’ve lived on. He has Skywalker blood. But Disney was too afraid to kill off Rey for fear of losing the girl crowd.



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        5 回覆
        • Rey is a much better protagonist than Luke skywalker. Lukes first line in the entire series was him whining about not wanting to help his uncle with chores.



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        • Honestly? I think it was the weakest of the nine movies. 1. The pacing was poor. It was like trying to drink from a firehose. 2. It was basically a "remake" of Return of the Jedi, and was clearly "fan service" to people who hated The Last Jedi. 3. I did think the story arcs of Rey and (to a lesser extent) Ben Skywalker were handled well. Seeing Rey choose to adopt the surname Skywalker and ignite a gold-bladed lightsaber at the end were some of the few well-crafted and memorable moments in the movie.



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          2 回覆
          • Palpatine effectively killing himself was -blam!-ing stupid. There's no way around it. And he JUST demonstrated how he could effortlessly overpower Rey too. Like, what the shit Palpatine? Did you WANT to lose?



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            3 回覆
            • OH NO LOOKAT ALL THESE SPOILERS I SHOULD HAVE LIS- [spoiler]I'm never buying a ticket to a star wars movie again after Solo, so...[/spoiler]



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            • It was an enjoyable movie, it was clearly a super safe ending to the arc though. Nobody is going to hate the ending, but nobodies going to be that excited about it either. I think both Ben and Rey should have died, so that there would be balance in the force.



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              1 回覆
              • Rey should have died instead of Ben, a lot more character potential there for him given he actually HAD character development for the last 2 movies unlike Rey who only got it in this one.



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                3 回覆
                • A lot of the movie felt pointless and added in for no reason, but I enjoyed it.



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                • It was enjoyable, Overall really mediocre. I can understand all the ass pulls/pseudo retcons since Rían Johnson dig them into a narrative ditch wider then a football field. That being said the third act was disappointing. Palpatine was confusing on multiple levels. The giant shard of the Death Star doesn’t make any sense and Rey’s powers area still incredibly strange. Like with Anakin it was the “Midlchlorian” thing and it didn’t matter as much with Luke since he was the first Jedi we saw being trained but I still don’t understand how and when she became so ridiculously powerful.



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                • They managed to pull it back after the last film which, frankly, was a PoS. Seeing Darth Sidious again gave me the spooks and it kinda tied in well with the previous episode and the seemingly unknown entity named Snoke. I dont understand why both Rey and Ben could have stayed alive, I mean if Ben had just used half his force healing they both probably would have been ok. I liked the gold lightsaber.



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                • I really liked it. Palps was great, as always. Kylo and Rey were redeemed as characters in this movie. They not longer felt like crappy stereotypes. Finn was a bad character through, I don’t like him because he was more like in extra in this movie. He didn’t do anything useful. A couple other small things... they said all the Star Wars songs would be in it. They lied. Duel of the Fates nor Across the Stars was in it. Also Rey should’ve called herself a Skywalker. That’s not how it works.



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