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由wastoidPRIME編輯: 12/19/2019 8:12:04 PM

The New Saint-14 Story Missions and Weapons Are Awesome, The Busywork and Horde Mode v5.0 Isn't

Pretty self explanatory, I think the whole concept and execution of the story so far is amazing and getting to fight alongside Saint-14 will bring a slight tear to the eye of any fan of the lore. The weapon bounties are cool and noone will complain about being able to roll weapons to perfection so easily. The new horde mode and increasingly specific busywork is less enjoyable. I don't think anyone would be upset if the next season didn't include yet another horde mode and instead focused on reworking existing acitivites a bit or expanding strikes to include specific loot to chase themed to the activity and maybe remixing a few of the strikes as well or incorporating the next seasonal activity to be within strikes adding a more complex layer to what many consider to be one of the core pillars of destiny, the strikes. I miss having the strike specific loot from D1 those were some of my favorite pieces of armor and weapons. Either way I'm ecstatic so many new people are able to experience Destiny and I am in love with where the story has been headed so far, I nearly lost it when I saw we were actually going to complete the time loop finally and hand Saint the Perfect Paradox. Bravo.



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  • I'm hating this season, I have played almost every day since the season started and still haven't got to the st 14 mission. I just dont have any interest in the kill 100 of this kill 100 of that missions. I regret not skipping buying this season.



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    • I'm still bummed out by the lack of new content for Strikes and the Crucible in general. I'd be fine with more Strike-specific loot, but I'd really like to see an update to the Vanguard and Crucible loot tables in general, preferably in the weapons department. Armor is such a huge focus right now, but even then, the armor that you can get from Crucible and Vanguard right now aren't really that great either. And if you already have a good build with armor from last season, there isn't much incentive to continue grinding for more. I'm not hating on the new loot that we got this season. I find the gear pretty interesting. I just wish that they'd stop focusing on making almost all of the new content tied to a single, temporary and grindy activity every season. It wouldn't get boring that fast if it were a playlist with a lot more scenarios or if it was more random and chaotic like Prison of Elders. Randomness within randomness makes things interesting. I still wish they'd add end-of-activity-specific loot to the Crucible and Strikes like they had in Destiny 1. I loved that system. It gave players the incentive to play the activity for rewards from one loot pool and a reason to visit the vendors for rewards from a different loot pool.



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      4 回覆
      • I LOVE the scout rifle!! I would prefer the auto be 600 but oh well. Also they should just make a damn true horde mode. Endless waves of enemies that come until we die. Unlock able areas that are unlocked with points we get from killing enemies or doing other tasks... you know like other horde modes... Resistance from Division 1 is a great example.



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      • I thought the Saint XIV missions were awful. The worst in Destiny history. If anyone hasn't done them, beware of spoilers below... What is the point of a "story" that consists of just a horde mode boss fight? There's not even a fail condition. You just fight 1,000 enemies and a boss. Literally just dragging out what could have otherwise been something cool. It's lazy and boring. And come on, only 2? What, you couldn't recycle the same concept a couple more times? (That's actually a joke, I'm glad it was only 2)...🙄



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      • This has never been a story-driven game.



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