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12/15/2019 1:15:38 AM

What Do You Think Are Reasonable Prices?

So I'm just curious, as I know a lot of people will agree that the Eververse prices are asinine and even more so the fact that in order to get a item of x amount the price of the silver pack is usually $2-5 more in order to get enough silver for the item. So I started to wonder what would people actually be willing to spend on items at Eververse. Now I don't mean those people who say I won't buy anything or I am not willing to spend more money. I mean what do you think are actually reasonable pricing for the items in Eververse? Above is what I think are reasonable prices but this is just my opinion. One thing to remember Is that not everyone who plays is using USD IE the $, but that is the currency that is most common being that Bungie is based out of the US. Furthermore for base silver to $ conversions goes about 100 silver = $1. [u][b][url=]HERE[/url][/b][/u]'s what I think is reasonable, at least comparing to other games I've played and have spent money on. Under this pricing model the 3 armor ornament sets, 2 item specific ornaments, 1 finisher, and 1 emote I want comes out to about $30 instead of $71. I don't know about anyone else but I would be far far far more likely to spend $30 on 7 items, but there is no way that I would actually be willing to spend $71, now or ever. Most certainly not when I'm already dropping $10 a season pass and the price of DLC's. But back to the main topic. What does everyone think are reasonable prices for Eververse items?



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