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由CATastrophic141編輯: 12/12/2019 10:43:46 PM

Curse Week Lore Catchup (Repost)

Hello! With the advent of newer activities and goals in Destiny 2, it feels like the older things have taken a turn to go on the back-burner. More specifically, this would be the dreaming city in this context. One main issue I would like to address here is the curse week lore for the chronicler title. It is an imposing task for many to dedicate weeks paying attention to the cycle and managing to find time to complete the offering. It takes at the least 33 weeks to complete the truth to power lore book. As said before, many people will find this difficult to complete because one’s schedule will get in the way. Not to mention new people coming into the game will have to start at a later date, and may finish at a time where the potential rewards will be pointless or not available. A simple fix to this would be to add a catchup mechanic. Perhaps the two other characters could also gain the lore if they complete the blind well offering bounty, or maybe make the lore available on all weeks. Some may claim that this would make it to easy or it will be freely “given out” without any challenge. However, I would lime to point out that effort is still being put in to this activity for the completion, and the same amount of cumulative *active* time doing the event will be required. As such, any proper action taken will be fair for anyone. To keep the challenge and previous activities appealing to newer players and casual players, please consider adjusting the dreaming city lore cycle. Thank you for your time



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