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由Dailyse編輯: 12/6/2019 6:10:52 AM

Thundercrash should not be weaker than nova bomb

Bungie, what are you guys thinking? U guys give thundercrash a buff but it would still suck for sure cos u guys dun seem to understand what is wrong with the super. First ,in terms of damge, the damge of thundercrash definitely should not be any lower than nova bomb cos u r litterally putting yourself in danger by using it. Those stronger enemies would knock u out with one melee hit, u might as well shoot and ignore the fact that u have ur super fully charged Second, the range is not really gd enough, every time u throw yourself into the enemies, those who are outside rhe range fking shoot u to death. I recommend u do the changes below 1. Increase the damage thundercrash does , if not better than nova bomb ,at least make it as good as the nova bomb 2. Increase its range so that titans can really think themselves as a fking missile, i mean IT IS THE CODE OF THE MISSILE, BUNGIE U HEAR ME? 3. Grant an overshield during or after using thundercrash so that we can get our butts back to safety. We are titans, not suicide squad I love being a titan but u guys r forcing me into being a warlock



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  • Bottom tree nova has a pathetic blast radius and can't kill people along the way to its target. Don't try and talk up warlock when we are the least played class and by far the worst choice for pvp considering our movement, exotics and the state of our sub classes. Not one decent void class for pvp. (Yes hand held supernova is great but the melee is inconsistent and the super is probably the worst in the game right now) All you did with your post is confirm you don't suit being a warlock and know nothing about us. Stick to your OEM and OHK on every subclass.



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    • It’s a PvP super. Stop trying to use it in PVE.



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    • maybe give titans Increased Mobility & damage resitance for like 2 seconds after landing the Super, that way you have a small window to GTFO b4 enemies melt you



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    • Please don’t be a warlock, you assume nova bomb is good but its garbage. Thundercrash should deal the same damage as nova bomb, radius should be the same as nova bomb and thats it. Before anyone tries to be slick and say it needs to be better because it puts you at risk let me correct you in saying nova bomb is far easier to dodge than thundercrash and at close range your own nova can kill you. I would take thundercrash over bottom tree nova any day, its far more consistent and its deadly when paired with the melee’s mobility to go across the map in a heartbeat. If anyone think its unfair to get shot down in the middle of the super well guess what? Warlocks are sitting ducks too and easy to kill while in their animation. Both nova bomb and thundercrash are basically the same exact thing, one is simply the opposite in terms of animations and where they are most viable.



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      1 回覆
      • Hold up, are you insinuating that Nova bomb doesn't put you in danger? cause if that's the case i disagree greatly my friend, it puts you in danger more times than thundecrash ever could cause you need to get relatively close to use both novabombs especially the bottom tree, sure you can use top tree nova bomb far away but you're sacrificing consistency which is.... IT HAVE A MIND OF ITS OWN meaning it often tracks enemies that you don't want when you clearly throw it at the designated target direction and sometimes it doesn't track at all and decides to go sightseeing. Whereas thundercrash can be use anywhere and you have relatively good control to whom you want to bodyslam. i agree the buffs don't seem that appealing but just wait and test it out for yourself. Oh and also : you can't possibly think that Thundercrash should output more damage than Og Novabomb who've been in the game before thunder crash was ever born, you better but some respect on Novabombs name :)



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        1 回覆
        • Do you have any idea how QUICK you can get your super with skullfort on?



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          2 回覆
          • 由Schmeatza編輯: 12/7/2019 1:35:41 PM
            WELL SHOULD NOT BE WEAKER THAN BUBBLE see how easy it is to flip it on you



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            2 回覆
            • Bungee hates titans. :(



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            • Slower = More Power, video game logic Nova bomb should be stronger



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            • Oh yeah? Well my melees shouldn’t be slower than y’alls, but guess what? Not every guardian gets what they want from the Bungie Gods.



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              1 回覆
              • 由CornerCarrot編輯: 12/7/2019 1:23:08 PM
                Yeah sure and it's not like it charges faster than any other super in the game.🤔



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              • It should be because of the faster super regen, but it should NOT be as large of a gap as they made it. Even with its buff it's still around 54% weaker than top tree nova bomb is and about 36% weaker than base chaos reach and that's including the aftershocks into the formula.



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              • It is THE most self risking of the single-use supers, it should hit the hardest.



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                2 回覆
                • Why are you using thunder crash for pve when literally every other super is viable for you? have middle tree solar, every single void tree, bottom striker, but you’re worried about a super made for pvp...



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                  1 回覆
                  • Warlock main and hunter for crucible (for the most part.) I agree 100% I stopped using Thunder crash on the tier 3 reckonings as you would just get stomped off after using it. I support a pve buff for thundercrash!



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                  • Thundercrash = fast add clear.



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                    7 回覆
                    • [quote]We are titans, not suicide squad[/quote] What's the difference? Real talk tho, it really does need a big PvE buff. The neutral game is good in PvE but the super is bad, and the super is great for PvP but the neutral game is terrible. Hilariously, this actually means the subclass is very strong in Gambit. You build supers so quickly you basically can shut down every invader every time. I should know; I've been running it for the past two hours or so lol Try it out, if you can stomach Gambit. It's surprisingly enjoyable.



                      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                    • *enters last wish raid with 6 thundercrash titans* Challenge accepted



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                    • They should be the same.



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                    • I actually like the idea of overshield after thundercrash. Every thundercrash i see in pvp gets melted after he gets out of the animation lmfao



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                      2 回覆
                      • It should be the overshield idea as a balance. That way you smash and have a few seconds (2.5-3.5) to kill or get away.



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                      • Lol. Read the lore scrub Nova bomb is the most damaging weapon in the universe and requires all warlock energy. Maybe actually follow the lore?



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                        15 回覆
                        • 由GRAVEL編輯: 12/6/2019 6:23:02 PM
                          Why? Can you not fly in at incredible speed- sight unseen and just reap devastation? That [u]not[/u] [i]cool enough for you?[/i] You want the dress and the floofing too?



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                        • [quote]Thundercrash should not be weaker than nova bomb[/quote] Someone call an wambulance, someone needs attention! [quote]I love being a titan but u guys r forcing me into being a warlock[/quote] Warlocks are still probably the best PVE class overall (despite everyone in the forums whining), but Titans are completely viable in PVE, I mostly run middle tree Sentinel or bottom tree Striker, both of which are fantastic in PVE. Thundercrash is a PVP super, don't whine about it not being great for PVE.



                          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                        • [quote]Bungie, what are you guys thinking? U guys give thundercrash a buff but it would still suck for sure cos u guys dun seem to understand what is wrong with the super. First ,in terms of damge, the damge of thundercrash definitely should not be any lower than nova bomb cos u r litterally putting yourself in danger by using it. Those stronger enemies would knock u out with one melee hit, u might as well shoot and ignore the fact that u have ur super fully charged Second, the range is not really gd enough, every time u throw yourself into the enemies, those who are outside rhe range fking shoot u to death. I recommend u do the changes below 1. Increase the damage thundercrash does , if not better than nova bomb ,at least make it as good as the nova bomb 2. Increase its range so that titans can really think themselves as a fking missile, i mean IT IS THE CODE OF THE MISSILE, BUNGIE U HEAR ME? 3. Grant an overshield during or after using thundercrash so that we can get our butts back to safety. We are titans, not suicide squad I love being a titan but u guys r forcing me into being a warlock[/quote] Everyone isnt happy with class supers. If you all banded together and made posts like this Bungie may pay attention.



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                        • If I'm using Insurmountable Skullfort to get my super back in under 2 minutes than it absolutely should. It would end up bonkers in Gambit for example in no time at all.



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