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11/20/2019 7:09:03 PM
There are two sides to any coin. What one likes, another may dislike. Did it occur to you that there are those who have preferences opposite yours? Those who like having a Super v Super game and hate having a "hardcore" game mode. To each their own. Besides, it's already been mentioned that they'll be adding to the rotator list. It's not the end of the world.



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  • Why wouldn't it occur that others have preferences different than mine? My post is about my personal opinion, I'm not telling anyone else to ask Bungie to do away with what I don't like. I'm sure that there are plenty of gamers who enjoy Mayhem, I'm just someone who doesn't.....simple as that. Opinions on matches will vary just like those on weapons, classes, etc. and that's the way it should be.



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