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11/17/2019 10:49:53 PM

(Long read) Enchanted Arms - A game - My thoughts. (Long read)

So. Where to even begin. Straight up opinion is that I .. Just love this game. I don't recall how I was even introduced to it about 7 or 8 years ago but the fact is I lost access to playing it because my 360 broke down and after that only had an Xbox one. So the years past and this knoring sense of want to just to play it again, came over me like experiencing being hit by tsunami again and again, w/o end. And then Xbox did it. It became back-words compatible. So much between then and now has changed with my perspectives but my opinions on the game didn't really change. More like I was able to gleen more truths and insights to what had beholden me: - First of all the story - What I understood way back when, was actually mostly unknown. Scenes would happen most of the time but I wouldn't get the meaning behind some of it like 60% to 70% - Sort of cliche I guess but on my most recent play-through, I understood absolutely everything. - Second the Combat - So it works like this - 4 character party size limit - there are two fields of play. Both are parallel to each other and are split 4 squares length and 3 squares depth - Enemies spawn on one side your team spawns on the other (Randomly) - Character size either 1 square or 4 squares - Max of 2 4 square size characters allowed - Plays turn based with moves that fit a range based on where you're standing and such - I remember, so vaguely what strategy to employ as I near constantly struggled. - And now once again, with my currant understanding, just mostly had a tight hold on everything. - Third Leveling - Stats system Every Character Level will boost all stats by values indicated to shown by what they say and then there is the SP system which characters who fight gain and can be spent on stats by your choice - As follows - HP (Health +15) Max 99999 - EP (Mana +15) 99999- Direct 999 (Physical damage + 5) - Support 999 (Recovery + Drain skills) - Ranged 999 (Ranged attacks) - Agility 999 (Making sure you are not Ambushed). - Golums - So this essentially a monster catcher game with near to all foes being Golums (Machines intended to serve purpose but err Why are they roaming the world attacking people??!?!?!?) Anyway. You can collect almost every single one you see and they each come with load-outs that can't be changed. Sure that makes them easy to spec w/o wasting points but it's also Limiting. You don't even have to use them as the 4 main characters do a pretty good job by themselves. A shame really. What we have here is a mostly cheesy linear story and some bad voice acting. But I just love it to pieces. It's an adventure and not something I'd ever really forget. .. I don't know. Just thought I'd get my thoughts of my chest. Thanks for reading [url=]Odin is in this game[/url]



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