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11/7/2019 10:41:26 PM

Are you willing to admit that your belief in science is a form of faith?

Strictly speaking, science is meant to operate as a methodological way of interpretating our senses. But people make it so much more than that, they speak of Science with a capital "S" as if it will solve our problems, save the planet, and exalt mankind to a new plane of being. Just watch any documentary to see the overtones of awe and metaphysical wonder that scientific findings are supposed to elicit. It has little difference from the awe inspiring content one finds in church. As a flat earther I subscribe to a strict empiricism that is more than Science. It trusts the sense, not the methodology of how the senses are used. That we see is enough. Do not treat your ability to sense the world as equal to belief in God. Science can't fill that void. Stop worshipping at the alter of Science...



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  • Sure. I'll never meet Newton, Hawking, Darwin, Pythagoras, ect ect. Because they're dead. I have no idea if they truly were the ones who came up with the ideas deemed theirs. But I can take their work and do it myself. I can see that, and this is definitely a simplification of true physics, that Force = Mass * Acceleration, that animals adapt to their niches, and that chemical reactions occur when this are added to each other. I can see that these discovers sometimes were made at the same time on different continents leading to the same conclusion, where as with religion everyone thinks they have the true God. And you can kind of do that with the bible and presumably other religions. Follow the guidelines of helping others, loving your neighbors, respect your parents, ect ect and you may feel that you have lived your best possible life. And as long as that shit doesn't negatively effect the people around you whatever. But I would argue that if we're making our decisions based on faith we should [i]still[/i] look to Science over religion for the majority of the aspects of our life. Science has allowed man to live longer through medicine, survive diseases that massacred our ancestors through vaccines, provide the food we have in abundance, and even this website has its basis in someone's education. So if you wanna believe in God, by all means. But if you're only gonna put your faith in one thing you don't understand and reject all others, maybe look to the process that even let us get to this stage in the first place.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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