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11/5/2019 5:04:52 AM

White screen of death ps4

So today i load into orbit group up with a clan mate attempt to load into POH only to get a blue screen saying the data is corrupt delete the application and reinstall...I thought it weird cause I could load into orbit... So I tried 3 more times on each character with random destinations. Still could not go anywhere except orbit or the game would crash. After reinstalling it however I don't even get past the login screen it does the connecting signing in preparing then just keeps me at the White screen. Been here for about 30 minutes until I gave up. I can log in on PC in about 45 seconds. Other games and their Network functions work just fine no issues. Not exactly sure what is going on here but I would like some assistance I spend a lot of time and money on this game it shouldn't be unplayable. Especially after I redownloaded it and it's worse then before. Please help or refund! Or someone can contact me and I'll send pictures.



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