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由Part Timer編輯: 10/23/2019 2:39:41 AM

Skillbased is a joke. I'm 1v6 almost every game.

This is ridiculous bungie. You say that it's skillbased matchmaking, yet it always seems you -blam!-s expect me to carry 5 other people. I'm sorry but I'm just not quite good enough to fight an entire fireteam on my own. I'll look up almost all my games on destinytracker and most of them have at least 2 or 3 people of my skill level, or even better on the opposition, while my team seem to mostly be new lighters or have no thumbs. This is not on. It's not making crucible fun. I like a challenge. I don't like being forced to 1v6 almost every damned match. P.S literally last match, three people on diamond elo at 1800. The rest about 1500. my team? me at 1800, the rest about 1000. So tell me bungie, how exactly is this skillbased? They had an almost 80% chance of winning. This is not balanced.



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  • Its not balanced matchmaking is dogsh1t. Any braindead who says it is needs to stop fondling bungies scrote. They need to undo whatever bs they did to matchmaking it has no place in p2p. Last season's qp matchmaking should have stayed. For comp it should remain. But keep that shit out of casual control or classic mix or rumble ect. Theres a higher chance of running into people lagging with this new algorithm. Connection based is the way to go. Bungie went full circle all the way back to d1....



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