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10/22/2019 3:04:52 AM
They've explained how they prioritize stuff already. If it's actually content and story progression it'll get added first, if it's small features that won't really matter all that much it stays lower on the list I would love it if the factions came back, but I'd rather see the pyramid ship story progress first



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  • How about uldrun and mara, the last wish, the whole of forsaken still isn't finished yet and now there just moving on. Oh and what Is the exo stranger doing? Shouldn't calus have something to say about all the pyramid stuff ya know those things he's afraid of?



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  • The dreamy city storyline will absolutely be finished, it just makes sense. Bungie said they're removing content and that this season pass will have a Vex focus, meaning we're probably gonna kill quoria



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  • the only problem with that, is they killed factions by changing the system up and then being like "oh we don't know what we want to do with it" when in reality since day one people were like "why did you change this system, put it back" Ultimately faction rallies just became Ornament rallies (which we can't even use anymore) or Catalyst Rallies. They broke the system, and now are saying it isn't a priority.



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  • The Pyramid's story and a minor tweak to add a limited selection of ornaments to an already established ornament system are hardly mutually exclusive entities.



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