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由Green Twister編輯: 10/12/2019 11:19:37 PM

Why do i feel like storytelling was weaker in Shadowkeep compared to Forsaken

Lorewise it was heavier Black Garden and The Black Pyramid ships is a huge event in Destiny Universe but i feel the story was lacking in cinematic form and missions. whats your thoughs? Lore wise Update I think bungie spoiled me too much on good content in forsaken it wasnt their usal style of story telling in destiny i think and it had much improved cutscenes and scenery and more missions.
#lore #destiny2



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  • The reason a lot of people come off underwhelmed (especially immediately after beating the final mission) is mostly a result of three act structure. It’s got a first act (attack the moon, find the pyramid) it’s got a second act (prepare to attack the pyramid) and it even leads right up to the third act. Then after the big revelation it sort of just ends. Sure there’ll be more plot stuff later, but it goes from 90 to 0 in terms of narrative momentum. The actual revelation is pretty solid, finally moving forward the ‘main’ plot everyone’s been telling them to do. What it needed was an explosion or chase scene after the fact to leave a good, exciting last impression. And you can have a full story, then still leave room for the post-game. Forsaken had three acts, resolved the immediate problems, then started up a brand new arc whose repercussions we are still experiencing today.



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    • You mean the lackluster Baron fights and the final boss being a hungry meatball that ate the main antagonist?



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    • This game has a story?



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        Because the entire team is hard at work making you wacky new trash to buy at eververse.



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        • 由Jim_PHX編輯: 10/14/2019 6:43:02 AM
          It appears they've completely got rid of that AAA pre-rendered cgi for cutscences =( I didn't see any at all during Shadowkeep.



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        • Because it was. There was no conflict resolution at the end and some idiots will defend it saying "tHe StOrY iS uNfOlDiNg OvEr ThE nExT fEw MoNtHs, YoU cAnT eXpEcT eVeRyThInG nOw!" Well Forsaken had conflict resolution at the end. You and Petra get justice for Cayde-6, then a new story about Riven opens up. Shadowkeep ends answering NO questions and leads us to Vex and STILL answers no questions. Bungie's lack of resources is starting to show. I know most of their work and time went into rewriting the code for Armor 2.0 in Destiny 2's terrible Tiger Engine, but next expansion, they won't have anything about the mechanics to change so Bungie REALLY needs to deliver on a Taken King/Forsaken level expansion.



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        • you have to remember that forsaken was trying to tell a different story to shadowkeep. forsaken was a revenge plot against uldren and the barons and ultimately led to the DC. shadowkeep was the set up for an even bigger story that will last to the end of this year (if not even longer) the point is, shadowkeep's story had to be ambiguous or cut off at where it did to elongate the story bungie wants to tell, whether it's through events in game in the form of dlc or through timegated seasons, this is how they're chosing to pursue it. forsaken's story was wrapped up by the end of the campaign, the dreaming city was the longer story that should hopefully end before years end.



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          • It almost feels like they were made by two different companies.



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            • Apples and oranges



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            • I think both dlc’s are pretty lackluster story wise. The majority of the story in both of them was just a big setup for things to come in the future, or maybe not at all. Bungie also has a problem which ruins the stories for me, which is introducing characters, enemies, or concepts that don’t actually matter 90% or all of the time in the grand scheme of things. Osiris and infinite forest were completely forgotten about. Rasputin? Nope, he woke up and acted like he was going to be important but he was forgotten about as well. The scorn? I almost forgot they existed to be honest, sure they were a big part of the main forsaken story but you can remove them and the main forsaken story and almost nothing in the long run changes except for cayde being dead. Scarlet keep? Just a strike. Yeah that main bit that you saw on all the advertising was just a strike that could be completely removed and you wouldn’t really lose anything important. The real meat of the story, and one of the few things so far in the dlc to appear to actually matter, is the danger dorito sitting at the bottom of the moon. Of course, once we get inside of it we get a cool cutscene and instead of expanding bungie leaves us on a cliffhanger and we (for some odd reason I can only explain as laziness) we’re teleported back to the surface of the moon. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t stand this kind of story writing.



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              • Because Forsaken's story wasn't continued with each new season, like Shadowkeep's and the season of the Undying will be. We've barely scratched the surface of the story. Hell, Shadowkeep is only approaching its 3rd week. And the dungeon isn't even out yet. So maybe wait to decide.



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              • Cinematic form? It killed it with the Cutscenes! Our guardian talks again, Ikora and the Vanguard finally recognize a threat, and the way Eris delivers the line “Then if you’ll excuse us, Ikora, we have work to do” is just fantastic



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                • Lots of stuff be prepared[spoiler]Forsaken had: - Lot's of beautifully animated cut-scenes. - 9 extra supers - A moment where we actually got to listen to the traveler. - An extensive and emotion breaking first mission. - A majestic spider if I'd ever seen one. - An outlaw esk system to track and kill across the system - Two wonderful looking locations - Ascendant realms. - Dreaming city's curse (3rd tier weeks are tremendously beautiful in a darkness visual artistic way.) - Fallen turned evil - 8 barons - Disco lost sector - New public events - Pinnacle weapons - New weapons came with 2 perks and had mods 2.0 to complement this and armor. - All of the things in the old annual pass now (Love black armory more than the others.)[/spoiler]



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                • Because the story in Shadowkeep is just getting started. I think so anyway. Have a feeling they will string out the story over the course of the year.



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                  • I think the feeling you get (which I share) is from the direction I believe they are taking with story telling now that they are on their own. Instead of a self contained storyline "neatly" wrapped up within the confines of one release, they are gearing up to gradually tell a larger story through smaller, more frequent increments (like the release of Vex Offensive during the raid, small injections of content that help progress the story) I also believe that Shadowkeep is more akin to Rise of Iron than it is Forsaken (whos D1 counterpart would've been Taken King) Its a smaller, probably not planned too far in advance release while they hammer out more details about the bigger release next year, whereas the latter two were planned releases that had a ton of content within them.



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                    • Hmm, I do have to agree in some aspects. While I loved the campaign I do feel like pacing was still an issue despite having more missions then usual For example there's really only 3 missions I truly remember: the first one, the glyph one, and the last one Also that one generic quest every campaign has, do X amount of of stuff on the map to charge Y artifact to advance the story. We all know why Bungie does it, to get us to explore the map but the campaign should be taking us to these places not a to do list preventing us from continuing Also I didn't like how the entire campaign was essentially get this armor set to go into the pyramid ship, hell I put on my original armor after killing crota just to see what would happen and I looked fresh as hell in that last cutscene Also those 3 nightmare hunts you gotta do in the story feel... Unimportant? Like I wish they had more agency in the story you know? Like what if the nightmare of Skolas just stole a huge supply of resources coming from Titan on its way to the last city? Or what if phogoth was causing earthquakes on the moon that was destroying all our stuff? Or Taniks attempting to reanimate his actual real life body? I just wish the missions were more than just: kill dude get essence But yeah, still love the darkness reveal and the nostalgia of our old enemies coming back, and that our Guardian talked more in shadowkeep then Destiny 1 and forsaken combined 8 out of 10



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                    • 由FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE編輯: 10/11/2019 12:23:06 AM
                      The “cliff hanger” was stinky, smelly big hair troll to those who wanted a satisfyingly ended story.



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                      • I get the feeling you weren’t here around D1...



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