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2/3/2019 4:46:09 PM


How to ruin a really good game? By not giving the solo players as much love as the groups. I really don't get it why i'm not able to get the wish ender bow or the malfeasance or Cade's gun in a honest solo fight. I don't want to play in a team, don't like to play in a team but i like the guns, paid for the game and would like to have the same changes as a team to get it. Really, i like a challenge but the challenges for these guns are meant for teams (or a really good solo players with a hell of a lot time and patience). Why do you still make these design decisions Bungie? Played the Shattered Throne for at least a hour of two. Got to the room with the narrow thingies in The Descent fell to my dead and had to start all over. Who thinks up these things? Its really REALLY Annoying. Stop making games this way. Please think about the people who like to play solo and make ALL content reachable for us to. I'm losing my interest in Destiny because of these flaws.



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