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9/29/2019 5:15:43 PM

Lost all my BungieStore emblems

Help again, i lost all my bungie Shop emblems like the Heart Emblem. It seems like the Problem was the Cross save. In another post, they told me to unlink the Accounts and do a recovery. I did it with Both Accounts, and die emblems arent there. In the Code History doesnt even Show the free emblems Codes like the osiris dlc Emblem. Before i did the recovery, those emblems were shown. My main Account was created in destiny 1 but now it says the Account is only 0 days old.. i Really dont know what to do and i dont wanna lose my emblems :(



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • My guess is that [url=]this is your old Bungie account[/url]? To access this Bungie account, it has to have a platform account attached to it (ex. a PC account). To do this, the platform you want to attach to the Bungie account cannot be linked to another Bungie account - if it is, you have to unlink it in your Bungie profile settings. Open an incognito window (important!) and click "Sign In" to create a new account, and use the platform account credentials that were originally linked to the Bungie account to log into the site. Once you do this, the Bungie account should appear with the option to "Recover" it. Click it to complete the account reclamation process. All that being said, this is an advanced procedure and there is limited support for it, so if you can't recover the account there is nothing more than can be done as we don't have the ability to force links between accounts. You can find more information about how to possibly recover this account in our [url=] Account Creation, Linking and Recovery article[/url].



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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