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9/17/2019 11:30:51 PM

Crucible is literally unplayable

As much as I love bungie...I have to ask. Does bungie even play their own game? Between OEM, recluse, last word, shotguns in general, hunters being invincible during dodge animation, supers, spawning problems, NF and Lunas on console, and horrible maps....crucible is quite hard to have fun with. Unless your using top tier weapons and sweating your balls off, you dont stand a chance. I feel like every game is a sweat fest and I'll I want to do is relax and have fun



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  • 由T0XIC編輯: 9/19/2019 6:07:01 AM
    If you had any idea of playing a hunter you would know dodge is not very evasive at all “literally” you can get shot mid dodge getting hitmarkered from where you were not where you currently are And what you call other people sweating normally means your just not as good so play more get better do pinnacle quest if you think they’re op Also what do you expect Bungie to do to shotguns ? They do their job their not really that long range so you need to counter or get better tactics to combat them instead of just whinging on forums



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