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原先發佈於:The Nine 109
9/8/2019 8:43:36 AM

Who wants to or already does have a gaming channel?

If you are a active streamer, play every day or everyother day, consider tourself a hardcore gamer or want to work on being one message me at my page. This is what I am offering. I am offering a service to where I will edit a video of up to 10 minutes for you as a try out. If you need sound tracks and rights to the music I own the rights to many songs and will make them available to you if all works out. I would like to help about 3 to 4 people out or a team that will commit to keeping content fresh. Also I can design you tshirts, logos, posters, banners, many things and I can attach them to my media to help you and your team or even your company and channel. Please message my page above to get started. @Screzzyloud #LetsGetLouDR #LetsGetLouD #Streaming #Broadcasting #Youtube #Twitch #Mixer #Steam #Clutch #Social #Group #Editing #Beta #Screzzyloud



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