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由Helveck編輯: 9/4/2019 1:41:34 AM

"The Moon Stirs" Giveaway Contest

I have two codes here that will award you "The Moon Stirs" emblem, that I'm willing to give away. This thread will be the first giveaway and I'll likely do a separate thread with another theme for the second code giveaway. The task to earn one isn't anything crazy, but I thought in the spirit of a team-oriented game that's designed to bring people together, we could all sit by a toasty fire and exchange stories. So, I challenge any of you to share a story that highlights how and when you felt like coming together as a team to overcome some objective in-game was the only path possible to overcoming said challenge, and why that was enjoyable for you. Remember, you're by a campfire so pass the marshmallows. Go.



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  • Winner has been declared and PM sent. Thank you all for sharing your stories! Nice to see a bunch of positive attitudes trying to work together to overcome obstacles.



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  • Queens wrath event was the hardest I went in this game with my brother, we had no idea what we were doing but we actually had fun playing destiny



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  • Sorry for poor english btw. Well my old clan had some really interesting and unique people, one of them was a marine soldier, the other a cop, one of then was a kid that played with his father and a deaf guy that could not talk, we would aways play raids together saying to go blind, and without knowing the mechanics we brute forced Eater of worlds , it was so fun and took us like 6 hours on a friday, that was on during season 2 when the game was not that great (but we dont talk about that do we?). Another cool one was when Last wish came out and we went to try it on day 1, just that we stayed on the first encouter for 6 hours without knowing the door mechanics hahaha Boi i miss those times



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    • Some good stories so far! Going to let this run over the weekend and Sunday night I'll announce the winner.



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      • I don’t really have any elaborate or detailed stories, mostly because my memory is hot shite I guess the best instance I can think of, off the top of my head, is when me and my buds did a VoG with someone who only spoke Spanish, so one of us had to act like a translator both ways. It was pretty cool when we beat it, because we managed to bypass a language barrier



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        • 由SuperXtream500編輯: 9/4/2019 4:41:17 AM
          This feels like such a long time ago, and my memory of the times and other details may not be entirely accurate, but it’s what I can remember. Back in Destiny 1 my clan mates and I were running Wrath of the Machine but we weren’t prepared for it at all, most of us went in blind and learned along the way, looking up things to make sure we were doing them right. We weren’t exactly prepared light-level wise either and each encounter took absolutely forever to complete but we didn’t give up. It was a Monday and it was a school night so not a fantastic time to do the raid, but we wanted to get this done. I got home at around 3PM and began raiding with them a little bit after, and we didn’t get to the final encounter until around 8PM. By this point we’re all super burnt out but we’re so so close to being done. We don’t waste time so we look up the encounters and try our best but we’re getting absolutely hammered. Right now we’re barely even able to do damage to Aksis as our light was way too low. This encounter took the longest, and we had a great run at some point but with a horrible stroke of luck one of my clan mate’s mom shut off their internet and he got disconnected...we needed everyone doing damage and losing that one person failed the attempt. It’s 9ish and a couple are understandingly calling it quits since they had more important things to do the next day than I had to. We spent half an hour getting more people off of LFG but it’s just a cycle of them leaving and us looking for more and we almost gave up. Eventually we found one more guy and he was pumped to do the encounter. He was way higher than us and was willing to help until it was done. We failed over and over for the next hour but he kept encouraging us and to not give up. Every time we got just a little bit further, dropping Axsis’s health more and more after every run. The whole time this guy is motivating us, knowing full well that it was going to take ages but he stuck with us to help out anyways. Eventually it finally happens, at around 11:30PM we’re on the final DPS phase during ”Siva density critical” and Aksis dies just as the music is about to cut out, and what was probably milliseconds before a failed run. Everyone was just overjoyed and relieved that we somehow did it, and the raid that took ages was finally over. We eventually took our other clan mates through it who had to go, but we had it down now. And whoever you are who never gave up on us, and didn’t rightfully leave what was a lost-cause, thank you, and I’ll never forget the most memorable time in Destiny.



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        • Is it even possible to have a campfire on the moon?



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          • Myself and my clan helped a deaf player complete leviathan raid, didn't restrict them to adds, had them in the shadow realm for calus. Then did eater of worlds with them. I spent a whole day helping people through the shattered throne (29 total completions according to Charlemagne but i think its more). Currently helping 3 of my clan get the reckoner title. Any new player to the clan (fresh character) i always help them through the story and help boost them to 700 to take part in larger clan activities. May not be what OP wanted but its my way of giving back to the community



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            • Well, that would be when i did Kings Fall for the first time. We screwed up countless times and a good portion of it was my fault. I thought they were gonna kick me but we just laughed it off and got on with the encounter. We eventually got to Oryx and tried for an hour to beat him. When we got to the end where you have to shoot his heart to kill him one of our team members had a lag Spike and we were wiped. Everyone started yelling at the dude and one person even left. But, another person joined, and all of us gave it one last shot and we finally beat the Taken King. I don’t play with any of them now, and I Haven’t done any raid since, but damn if that wasn’t the most fun I’d had in D1.



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              • I bought D1 at mid House of Wolves. I remember seeing people with glowhoo shader at the tower and kinda sad I'd never get it, since raids were advertised to me as "ultra impossible only 6 players activities" and I had like one or two friends. One day, I asked one of my friends if there was an elemental scout rifle, and he said "The Fang of Ir Yut! But you have to raid Crota". When I was about to say "Oh, ok...." he invited me, because they had a Crota save and were lacking one player. I joined (with a high RPM machine gun) and followed the instructions: kill adds, go to middle balcony, wait for "take him down command", and unload whatever I had. First attempt. Got the Fang... and the shader! I was so happy, specially after the squad telling me "ok, but for the next time, bring a rocket launcher!" So, they basically took me in, in a a time of "no gally, get kicked", and rng also blessed me. I started raiding with those guys after that. Two of them are still playing with me, in my actual clan! ❤️



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              • The second week of golgoroth challenge, I went in with a lfg team. We got through totems and warpriest just fine. We got to golforoth, and we had all done the raid before so we were fairly confident that we’d be able to do it. To abbreviate this, we were there for... a long time. We didn’t have the bridge strat were the numbers just go down the line and take gaze. Somebody insisted that we use different pools to damage and everything, and the person with gaze wasn’t even on the top level (I really don’t know what we were doing in hindsight). Despite all odds, nobody left. We all kept working at it and, eventually, finished it. As crazy as it sounds, we finished touching 6 hours. We all got off immediately after, but we all added each other and continued to play with each other. I still play with 2 of those guys today 6 random lfg people all stuck a raid out for 6 hours because we all believed we could complete it. Now go ahead and flame me for taking 6 hours to beat one raid boss



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                • Directions unclear, dick stuck in toaster



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