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由Sturm with no Drang編輯: 7/3/2019 1:42:28 PM

Destiny 2 Community Wishlist 2.0

I made one of these a while back for Y1 D2 and it saw a good bit of activity up until Solstice of Heroes so I’m giving it a revamp in order to help keep it up to date on what it is that we actually want to see in this game, either in the near or distant future. If you are a player and believe that you have something to add to this list that you and others will actually want then feel free to leave it in the comments below. I am always looking to add to this list in the hopes that it may eventually find its way on a dev’s computer screen or phone, but that can only ever happen if this is active enough. Here’s a listing of past wishes that have been asked for, but have yet to met realization: [b][i]-Dedicated Servers -Guardian Facial Hair -Player Trading(materials) -Crucible Map Voting -Transmogrification(in the works) -Expanding Faction Interaction -Additional Matchmaking Options -Vanguard Strike Map Voting -Reintroduction of Exotic Class Items -Tower Firing Range -Expanded Resource Limits(Glimmer) -Fixed PvE Ammo Perks(Heavy Drops) -Guns Only Crucible Playlist -No Exotics Limit Crucible Playlist -More Guardian Customization Options -Auto-dismantling Blues -Monthly PvE Events(Not Gambit-related) -Reintroduction of Trials of the Nine -Skill Tiers/Brackets for fair matches in PvP to prevent pubstomps -Prevention of matches thrown in Comp by players quitting, thereby unfairly penalizing teams -Reintroducing more D1 Exotics -Reintroducing Sparrow League Racing -Shaders applying to Exotic Guns -Increased Vault Size -Separation of Gun stats between PvE and PvP(still needs work) -Increase in Strike Specific Loot -Reintroduction of Skeleton Keys for Strikes -Lowered Infusion Costs/Removing Cores -More ways to earn Infusion Cores -Improved Material/Resource Exchange -SPACE BATTLES -More types of Pinnacle Weapons -Less focus on Eververse Microtransactions -Revisiting D1 Areas like Earth’s Cosmodrome and Venus. (Thank you for the Moon) -More Tanks -Flamethrowers -Make Ikora and Holliday more relevant [/i][/b] Additions: [i][b]-New Element Types -Perk Customization for Subclasses like in D1(I totally forgot!) -Ability to waypoint/lay markers on Maps(think Lost Sectors and stuff that isn’t already markable) -Better means of flying down onto a planet than just the 2-3 zones already picked out(Dreaming City definitely needs this) -Sparrows on Mercury(why is this still not a thing yet?) -More relevancy/usage of the Infinite Forest(lest it be Finite in its redundancy) [/b][/i] Edit: Just to be clear, these are merely wishes people have had wanted to see become reality; some wishes will seem more silly than others while a few will be viewed as more necessary for the game. Regardless, not all are meant to be fulfilled, but please respect each one regardless. No need for any ugliness about it.



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  • 由Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds編輯: 7/2/2019 8:19:58 PM
    - Separate PvP and PvE. Make all weapons exist and be attainable in both, but separately. This would alleviate SO MUCH community strife. Let the Crucible be legitimate competition instead of a bunch of people running around completing personal objectives while on a team. It literally makes zero sense. - Provide soloable options for things as an alternative, but that take longer or take multiple weekly completions due to them being soloable.



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    • I would love for crucible and pve to be just 2 sepreate ways to play you have your gaurdian in pvp which only gets loot from pvp via quests or performing well and a pve gaurdian that only gets guns for pve it would fix guns being broken from both sides but it would make a roadblock for fun gun combos



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    • Remove bloom (bullet RNG) completely from console. This will open up so many more viable weapons to use.



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    • -More bacon.



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    • I was thinking we could remove cores from infusion. I’ve heard a couple people mention this.



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      • Remove cores from infusion



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        • - Player trading. This would be the most gamebreaking change ever. Imagine if someone trades his NF/Redrix to someone for let's say 1k voices. This would absolutely destroy the game. Imagine if all you have to do to get any item in the game is to know someone who has it and simply trade with him to unlock it in your collection. After all the trader can simply get it out of his collection again ( for most items) so what's lost. The only fair version would be to trade glimmer, shards or planetary materials only. This system works perfectly for Borderlands but here it is way too gamebreaking to be a good idea.



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          • Let’s borrow from HALO, a “rockets only” seasonal crucible match. It was absolutely nuts and terribly fun!



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            • Guns only crucible... Oh man. I hadn't even considered until now. Holy crap, yes. You can call it like "Hawthorne's training" or something, like teaching the guardians to fight without super magic space floofer powers. Also ponytails for women, please.



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            • Probably covered but changing the appearance of already existing guardians



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            • [quote]-Make Ikora and Holliday more relevant[/b][/quote] Nah, make Ana Bray more relevant. She's best girl. :3 More seriously, here's a few things I sort of wish for: [b]- 4th Element.[/b] Maybe Ice or something? Would be neat to see additional element stuff. Potentially leading to new subclasses with the new element (As opposed to the Forsaken expac just sticking a new tree into existing subclasses) [b]- More use for Elemental Weapons[/b] Like, other than some really strong weapon types such as Shotguns or Snipers, the Elemental Weapon slot seems lacklustre, given that it's simply a thing you swap to in order to shoot down a shield and then swap back to the higher damage Kinetic Weapon... Would be neat if the usage of Elemental Weapons was expanded on. [b] - More customization for Abilities[/b] Like, right now, the only customization we get are a couple of skills in a particular tree. Would be nice to have more customization over Class, Melee, Grenade and Super abilities without having to rely on Exotics. [b]- No Helmet option[/b] Given that NPC's don't wear Helmets in the field. Why do we have to? This would increase in importance if more character customization was added. [b]- Ability to waypoint to Lost Sectors on the map[/b] Pretty self explanatory. Sometimes you get a bounty from Spider that requires a specific Lost Sector, or you just want to go do one on a new planet. But you have to manually find your way to their locations on the map (Or hope a Public Event happens to spawn nearby and waypoint to that >.>) [b]- Bolt Action Rifles[/b] Maybe this could just be a type of Sniper. Or it could be stand alone weapons. But I think it would be neat. Sort of like a Bow but with back-end reload instead of front-end draw mechanics.



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            • Less special ammo circulation in pvp. Right now you can practically main a special weapon and never even have to swap to your primary which leads to many weapons like sidearms and smg’s that aren’t recluse feeling useless since everybody constantly has special ammo for shotguns for close range.



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              • This is a pretty great list. I really would love facial hair, voting on strikes, and the firing range. I really disagree with player trading and emphasis on eververse. Player trading would break the game unless it's just material trading. That would be fine I suppose. That way I can sell my excessive stockpile of enhancement cores to the people who always whine about them on these forums 😂😂😂 The eververse thing is just business. They need to make money to produce content and keep the lights on. I would never chastise someone for wanting to make a buck, especially when there are sleazy companies like Activision and EA out there actively conning people out of their money with 'surprise mechanics'. Bungie is hardly the poster child for greed in this world.



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              • No to about a half of these.



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                • 由Acidwrym編輯: 7/2/2019 12:20:28 PM
                  Fixed it for you: [quote] Here’s a listing of past wishes that have been asked for, but have yet to met realization: [b][i] -Universal optional matchmaking -Reintroduction of Exotic Class Items -Expanded Resource Limits(Glimmer) -Fixed PvE Ammo Perks(Heavy Drops) -Auto-dismantling Blues -Reintroducing more D1 Exotics -Removal of Enhancement Cores from the game -Permanent Material/Resource Exchange -Complete Vault redesign (tabs, sorting options, filtering) -Complete separation of pvp and pve weapons/armor. [/i][/b] Additions: [i][b] [/b][/i][/quote]



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                • I miss my heavy ammo synthesis :(



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                • How about the most important change of all? Fix recoil on controller so that the experience on mouse and controller/console is actually comparable instead of being like 2 different games.



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