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由ShadedMemoirs編輯: 5/18/2019 1:35:41 AM

Jubilant Engram Compensation

I, like many others, am one of those affected by the Jubilant Engram duplicates issue. However, I am here to express my extreme dissatisfaction with my so-called "compensation". I spent over $60 worth of silver during this event, only to have over 90% of my engrams turn into duplicates. I had to spend a tremendous amount of bright dust to acquire items I never recieved from my $60 of silver. Bungie's idea of "compensation" was to give me two Jubilant Engrams. TWO. ENGRAMS. My mother spent even less than I did on silver and Engrams, but even she received four Engrams as compensation (which is also a joke, as she bought much more than four Engrams that became duplicates). If this is how Bungie reimburses paying customers for mistakes on their end, then I'm afraid I will be leaving this franchise after many years of supporting it. Apart from my two Engrams and the future armor compensation, what can I expect Bungie to do about my wasted $60?
#Help #Eververse



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