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由lost half brain cell編輯: 4/7/2019 2:47:22 AM

{PS4} Chill Clan Recruiting; Instant Ramen Noodles

Hello! Chilltama here founder of Instant Ramen Noodles[lazy] calling out to all guardians new and old! We are but a small clan for the moment trying our best to pull together people that just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy playing a game many of us love. Here's a few things below about us; -Gambit, Nightfall, Strikes, ect ect team ups!(Since there so little of us raids are a bit tough to do. But they're on the list!) -Here to help with any quests of any kind! -We have discord! It is HIGHLY recommended for you to have one since it is what we use to mostly keep in touch with one another! -Monthly member clean ups! You don't have to get on every single day, life comes first after all, but if you don't get on at least a few times then it's adios. To avoid removal of the Clan simply let me know you won't be able to get on for the month. Life happens, man. -We are just people that want to sit back, relax, and not worry about messing up. So toxic behavior is a fast way to get removed. Please, respect one another. That's all I can think of for now. 🤔 But if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask! We're just some chill folks trying to find a good laugh. [url=]Here's the clan page![/url]



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