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3/26/2019 12:46:03 PM

Make your case for KEEPING enhancement cores as part of INFUSION.

Not talking about master working. I personally believe that is where cores should be used, they should be a "grind" and while there should be a steady way to get them, they should be scarce. So we aren't going to discuss that here. I am curious as to why some people think they make sense as part of the general infusion process. Because IMO, based on Bungie's stated intentions, they simply do not work as intended within the system. The reason being, infusion, in and of itself is not "impactful", this mechanism has always been secondary to farming for drops. Always, regardless of the state of the game. Hunting for that specific roll, or piece of a collection has historically had the most impact on my, and a lot of other people's play time. Do you log in with the hopes of farming up X amount of materials, or do you log in looking to get something new? Do you get excited about your 100th pair of Scatterhorn gauntlets, or do you think, "man, I loved pimpin' out my gear to my own tastes", setting up looks and loadouts for each subclass. The people who say cores aren't the issue, don't realize that EVERYONE used to be able to do this, at will, based on what they wanted to use, when they wanted to use it. It was a CHOICE, not a chore. So I ask again, why do you think this aspect of the game, that honestly has nothing to do with progression, needs to be a chore? Cheers!



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  • 由ETERNAL編輯: 3/27/2019 7:00:45 PM
    I would say more broadly that Bungie should largely ignore this forum. They certainly should not be looking here for ways to improve the game. Generally, the people who post here have a short term memory and more specifically do not actually know what they want at all. The core Destiny experience is fun. The gunplay is superb, the music and setting are excellent. The lore can be great and it is not a big deal that its hard to find at times. The grind is as tedious as one makes it. Most Destiny players do not visit this forum and simply play the game modes they like with or without other people. I have been pleased with nearly every iteration of this game and the previous game. That is simply due to the fact that I do not overthink the minute details. On average, I'd say a lot of the grief on this forum is from jaded players who just want the attention and to stir up controversy. As to the topic at hand: I could care less if cores are used for infusion or not. I am currently limited by planetary materials more often and simply do not upgrade things I can not afford. I have a good PVP loadout for one of my toons and a decent Gambit Prime one as well. I play the PVE elements as desired and have a great time. The rest of advice is to learn some patience and discernment. Not everything is an "outrage" and no one cares if you do not play anymore. Carry on. Edit: In summary, success is NOT building a game that everyone plays every day. That is unrealistic. Success is building a game WORLD that people come back to when new content is added. Bungie will continue to succeed.



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