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3/20/2019 2:12:05 AM

One of the WORST comment sections of all-time...

Venture forth, if yuh DARE... ALAS, 3, count 'em, THREE SANE INDIVIDUALS WHO SEE THROUGH THE SEA OF IGNORANT BULSHYT!!! BEHOLD THESE THREE WONDERFUL PEOPLE: [Commenter 1] At least there's a COUPLE comments that see through this false zero-sum game of groups of immutable characteristics, but tragically lost among a sea of ignorance the shooter would be delighted in! the Right V Left paradigm is a simple thesis Versus synthesis concept to keep us occupied in meaningless and futile debate. the world is more complex to be summarised in the thought of Right V Left. Just like the lefties the Right is full of uneducated, ignorant simpletons whose understating of the universe won't go beyond their animalistic senses and what they see on TV. The problem of Muslim migration to West will stop when the West review its attitude and policies towards those people. The West and USA as the leader have been dropping tones of bombs on Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria etc. The West has been engaging in a systematic, counter productive policy of destruction and depopulation towards Muslim nations. The West will do anything it can to deprive those people from the right to live peacefully in their own countries and develop themselves. The US & allies will use anything from mass bombardment, sanction, embargo, military coups and insurgency to disturb the peace of Islamic nations. when their countries are destroyed and their populations have been demoralised and exhausted they will migrate to the West. Why is it that the people in the West can't figure out this simple equation??!?!?! The problem can be solve very easy: Leave them alone. Respect your own boundaries and theirs. [Commenter 2] I see it now brimming within every comment section those who are silently championing him. The irrational minds will take over all discussion, silence any not willing to fight for them and be their toy soldiers. Human progress will screech to a halt so that ignorance can completely rule. [Commenter 3] and this will be the fall of humanity [Commenter 2 again] Indeed but to be honest the human race is not as special as we think we are. Most people don't even ponder on these things for longer than a moment.



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