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由Chompsterr編輯: 3/10/2019 7:58:21 PM

7 Quality of life changes that would VASTLY improve D2

Here are some simple changes that are easy to implement and would not hurt balance in any way but would still make the Destiny 2 experience much more enjoyable: [b]1[/b]. Automatically convert blue gear drops into materials for 600+ players, like in D1. ~Not sure why this very convenient mechanic was not ever included in D2. I have probably spent hours dismantling all the useless blue gear. [b]2[/b]. Give us more space in the postmaster. ~ This kinda ties in to number one. But still, we shouldn't have to worry about the losing gear because we played too long without returning to tower and the postmaster ran out of space. [b]3[/b]. Allow us to transfer items directly from the postmaster to the vault. ~ "This item has an interesting roll and/or might be useful later, let me just put it in the vault" [b]4[/b]. If someone leaves in a competitive match or a gambit prime match before it has actually started, just cancel the match. ~ The match is still loading and its a 3v4; just cancel it and penalize the leaver. The match hasn't even started. Why punish the other three teammates just because someone left? [b]5[/b]. More/better fast travel points. ~ Reduce the amount of irritatingly time-wasting running and sparrow riding just to get to an activity. Especially with forges. [b]6[/b]. Allow us to change hairstyles and face paint. ~ Doesn't seem like too much to ask. It's not like creating an entirely new face. Certain things appear rather different in the character creator than they do in the actual game so getting another chance to get it to look right would be nice. [b]7[/b]. Display the precise numerical values of things. Such as weapon stats. ~ If a weapon has an effective range of 50meters, display that. If it takes 1.45 seconds to reload a weapon, display that. Put those numbers right next to the stat bars. Quantify things for us. Minor/Major/Boss Spec mods increase damage by exactly 7.8% <-- that percentage should be included in the description. More information is better. These are small changes but small things really add up quickly. There's a lot of talk on here about the complex fundamental issues in the game, but I wanted to suggest some easy, non-controversial, tiny-but-mighty, devil's-in-the-details type of improvements. And I'm sure there are plenty more similar ideas out there.



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  • How about if someone leaves a match the game gets put on hold until the roster is filled. Kinda how some games use to handle a host leaving and make everyone wait until a new host was chosen and the roster was filled up. I’d rather wait a few minutes than have spent an entire match only to get screwed in the end. Especially since we get penalized for leaving. If a game starts and 2-3 players back out, why should I get penalized for not wanting to 1v4 or suffer getting owned while waiting for others to join.



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