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由RingLeader77編輯: 1/27/2020 4:39:29 AM

Dark Horse: Episode 2: Nadith [Choices For Both Crews]

[b]Roster: Nil • Nil TotallyNotSteve • Steve Toaster • Odysseus [/b] It was a loud and cramped day in the shipyards of [i]Troy[/i]. The citizenry of the ship were hard at work trying to make a living, and a life worth living. On this particular day, however, the docks were full of excitement and chatter. For three prisoners had escaped from confinement and were presumably attempting an escape from [I]Troy[/i]. For this reason, dozens of guards were roaming the yards, making sure no attempt was made by the escapees to purchase, or steal, a ship. As mechanics worked on their ships and guards patrolled the grounds, a figure in full body armor strode through the dock. He wore an old duster over his clothes and an odd, green eyed has mask over his face. The figure's shifty, reserved nature made it painfully obvious that the person did not want to be here. Not that anyone in their right mind would want to live in [i]Troy[/i], but this person either had a better reason than most, or he was on the run from the law. Picking a random stall out of the thousands, they approached a ship mechanic in hopes of getting a ship. Right before them in line was a man of average height. He was broad shouldered, had wavy hair and a beard, and on his shoulder was a tatoo of a gauntleted fist with a lightning bolt in its grasp. The man was in a conversation with the mechanic and keeper of the ship's stall. "How much for her?" The man asked . "Hmm..." The mechanic, a thin woman in a mechanic's overalls, crinkled her brow thoughtfully. "She's a special ship. I'm not selling her to just any fool with credits." " I'd take good care of 'er, not a scratch, " the man insisted. "...How much you got?" The man could be seen scrounging in his pocket for a minute before taking out a small tablet the size of a hand and showing the mechanic the number on the screen. "How's that," he asked. The figure behind the bearded man watched with interest. He was in the middle of deciding whether or not he'd be able to best the price of the ship once the offer was made. The mechanic frowned as she viewed the number. "That's it?" The man's expression instantly changed from optimistic to deflated. "How much more do you want...?" " More than that! The money isn't worth the possibility of nicks and scratches on my poor ship. " The man thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "Why don't you stay with her then? You said it was a big ship, it could use a crew and I'd be willing to split earnings fairly among us. " At these words, the masked figure in line behind the man looked sharply up. This, this could be profitable. "Split pay, huh...what sort of jobs you planning on taking?" The man had already anticipated the question. "Bounty hunting, private contracts. Plenty of it around here I think. What do you say..." " Nil. " "...Nil?" " Alright. You've got yourself a deal. For now, until I want your carcass of my ship. " She motioned for the rest of those in line to move on, there was no more chance at purchase. The figure, however, did not leave. Nil turned back to the man. " And you're name, Mr bounty hunter? " "Steve. And I prefer to think of it as cop for hire..." At those last words the remaining person in line laughed heartily through their mask. "There's no law enforcement in space, friend. Sad fact of life." Nil rolled her eyes at the newcomer. "And you are?" " An opportunist. " the man replied, his voice distorted through the mask. Steve turned around to address the man in the iron mask. " Meaning? " "Meaning I want in on your ship's crew." Steve knew he'd need a competent crew to operate the ship successfully so he was not quickly going to throw away such a prime chance. "What can you offer us?" " Expertise. Weapons specialist. Me not being your enemy. " Steve smiled at the reasoning. "Sounds like some solid reasons, I'd say. What do you say, Nil?' Nil seemed to be concentrating hard on something for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Yeah...more the merrier..." "What's your name, man?" Steve asked his new compatriot. "Odysseus." *** Odysseus, Nil, and Steve arrived at the docking bay where the ship was parked. The room was round and wide, plenty enough room to allow the ship's take off. At one end of the room was a shielded doorway into space. They would be seeing the other side of that door before too long. "What's it called?" Asked Odysseus as the ship came into view. "Her name's [i]Nadith[/i]." Nil said as she looked proudly at the vessel. [I]Nadith[/i] was a large freighter class starship. She was large and bulky, with extra compartments added onto the side for storage (and smuggling) purposes. The bridge was set at the front of the ship in the fashion of a submarine and there were mounted cannons on the top and sides of the hull. The trio stepped inside and each took as seat on the Bridge. "Now," said Steve as he surveyed his quickly acquired crew and ship. "Time to get to work." *** [b]CHOICES FOR BOTH CREWS:: Nadith: #1 After reviewing all current bounties on the Trojan database you see the names of three escaped prisoners: Lee, Bop, and Zhenya. There's a hefty reward for retrieving these "Dangerous Criminals" #2 You also know that there are many opportunities away from Troy that you could aspire to. If you did leave Troy behind you could contact alien governments for work. *** Dark Horse: #1 You currently do not have a ship to call your own, but you do have a crew. You know that the black market could very well have a ship for you without attracting the government's attention, but it could also cost you the rest of your resources to buy a ship. #2 Alternatively, you could attempt to... "Borrow" a ship from the black market. That definitely would not have any consequences...definitely not...And it would save you the precious credits you have remaining. [/b]



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  • 由ZoniCat編輯: 2/21/2019 10:52:36 PM
    [quote]This sounds a lot like my writing. And I don't mean plot or story wise, that is very original, but more the placement of commas, and your tendency to use only two words to describe something, one right after another, placing weight on the second one as more accurate and precise. Obviously there are some differences, such as you commonly clearly depicting which dialogue belongs to which character, and I'd argue that makes it easier to read than my own stories a lot of the time, so perhaps I'll be adopting a part of your style in the future. Just something I noticed, and obviously not something I'm complaining about, haha! Very good so far, this seems to be a very promising premise indeed.[/quote] ^Wyoming



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