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由SweetPotato編輯: 1/29/2019 10:39:04 PM

Missing Radiant Matrix

As you might know, the forge quests at one stage require you to kill powerful enemies for radiant seeds and then deliver the resulting radiant matrix to Ada-1. My problem is, I've lost my matrix... Not with the postmaster nor is it in my inventory (I seem to have lost it in the maintenance, as I had just received it an hour or two before the patch). I can't progress the quest because of this (talking to Ada doesn't do anything). The worst part of this is the fact I can't abandon the quest and one may only work on a single frame at a time, meaning I can't even start another one! If anyone knows of a solution please let me know. (The quest in question is the bow weapon frame)



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • We are in the same boat - and it seems quite a few people are posting errors regarding their frames and stalled out Questlines. Hopefully the quests will be converted to Ballistics logs next reset (or sooner) and we can then repurchase a new frame...



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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