Honestly if they want a player base bring back grind. Make it hard to level -black armoury was 2 -3 weeks to hit 650 all characters without raiding! Make raids relevant to levelling again. Take drop rate of exotics back to forsaken and people will keep grinding. Don’t lower power levels like the forges or the content is over straight away.
New loot instead old d1 loot would be good too
No that would kill the player population even further and before you say something like git gud I’ve done every piece of PvE content repeatedly except SoS
i agree with new loot, but the rest no
the grind atm the moment is whats pushing people out
while a more meaningful grind on certain things is ok for example the pinnacle weapons breakneck and loaded question
the ridiculous list for the BA SNIPER etc is just over the top
and as for the forges it was the right move for the first one the others stay but definitely the first one.
you seem like a hardcore player and i have no problem with that you will notice in my post i mentioned that the hardcore player base cant sustain like it did in d1. there is enough room for those with lots of time and those that have little
i believe your suggestions cater towards a more hardcore audience and while not a bad thing in this environment bungie need to more than ever balance between the two