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1/21/2019 3:30:51 PM
Good. That's what you get for spamming it all over the forums. I was never in support of complete removal of enhancement cores from infusion, but even if I was I wouldn't be anymore. I don't want to associate myself with the idiots on here.



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  • So they're idiots for trying to protest a broken feature of the game.....but you aren't for resorting to name-calling simply because you dont' agree with them? Hypocrite, much?



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  • It's not a broken feature. If it was, I wouldn't be 650 and have 80% of my gear masterworked. And no, I'm not a hardcore player who has no life. Look at my playtime and you can see that I'm just about average. Most of my time is spent doing work, and the rest is divided between multiple games.



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/23/2019 9:23:30 PM
    Its a broken feature. A game feature is broken when it fails to fulfill the in-game function that its been assigned. This feature is broken because it doesn't act as an investment mechanism to facilitate power-progression in proportion to player time investment (which is what it SHOULD be doing). What this feature DOES do is act as a THERMOSTAT on that power-progression to FORCE its rate into a narrow, pre-determined band by Bungie...and to BREAK the relationship between rate of progression and player time investment. To cover UP for the lack of loot in the game...and force the game to be a protracted POWER grind, instead of a LOOT grind. Which is why the WHEELS FALL OFF the game....and people are quitting in frustration...when you try to play the game and refuse to run around playing whatever drops...and playing in mismatched gear until you are level cap. [quote]Look at my playtime and you can see that I'm just about average[/quote] Already have. Two of your three characters are essentially unplayed. You haven't even started levelling them up under this Y2 regimen. The one character you ARE playing is running around in a single set of mismatched gear. You may be content to play the game this way. I---and most of the rest of us---are not. ...and NO other loot-based game I've played in the last 20 years would force you to.



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  • [quote]Two of your three characters are essentially unplayed. You haven't even started levelling them up under this Y2 regimen. The one character you ARE playing is running around in a single set mismatched gear.[/quote] The only reason I'm not wearing a matching set is because I don't have a full set of what I want. I usually like to wear raid sets, and if I don't have a full set of raid armor, I don't care how I look. [quote]You may be content to play the game this way. I---and most of the rest of us---are not.[/quote] Then why are there a million people on the game each day, and only ~200 on the forums? You make up a small minority, bud.



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/23/2019 9:55:34 PM
    [quote]I don't care how I look.[/quote] I do. ...and I also care what perks my armor has. [quote]Then why are there a million people on the game each day, and only ~200 on the forums? You make up a small minority, bud.[/quote] No. PVE player enagement has been steadily dropping. Its down to 786K....which is the lowest I've seen since Forsaken dropped. Which is exactly what I said would start to happen when this system finally started to EXHAUST player patience....which it seems is now starting to happen. Between the declining engagement numbers, and the angry flare-up on this issue. ...and people realizing that this badly designed progression system is a huge wall between them and the Annual Pass content. This number is only going to go down even MORE when Anthem drops in a month....and The Division 2 drops later. What the engagement numbers WON"T show will be those players----like me----who will REDUCE their play hours, and the number of characters they play when this happens. I am NOT the minority..I am part of the usually SILENT MAJORITY of average players...and this is a REALLY bad time for Bungie to get in to a pissing contest with us over something that is easily fixable in the game, and will DRAMATICALLY improve the quality of life for a large number of dedicated players. Fighting us on this is a lose-lose proposition for Bungie...and its stupid that they've dragged it out this long.



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  • Of course the playerbase is steadily dropping. That happens after each expansion, and then it goes up again when another one drops. That's how it always works, regardless of problems. And when I said 1 million, I'm referring to PvP players too. Together they make over that.



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  • Who are you trying to impress? By stating you don’t want to “associate with the idiots” it seems like you are trying to show bungie you are different. Bungie doesn’t care about you and I don’t think they would think less of you because of an opinion. Get over yourself, if you post on the community forums then you are already associating with the rest of the community or “idiots” as you call us.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Actually, Bungie does care about me. Why else would they specifically change the game so it's how players like myself want? They've scrapped most of the garbage from year 1 and added the grind that the majority wanted. The only reason they're not here right now is because they're too busy playing the game. If you didn't want grind, you should've gotten off your ass in year 1 and told Bungie that the game was fine.



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  • I never said anything about grind. I was asking who you were trying to impress. And it looks like I was right, you are trying to impress bungie. Hate to break it to you but you are wrong bungie could care less about you and I mean that literally not people with the same views as you but you personally. Then you go on to say even if you didn’t like infusion you would change your mind because everyone is complaining? Maybe you should stick to what your real opinion is and not change it to impress someone or to follow the masses.



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  • Why the -blam!- do you think I'm trying to impress someone? Do you have autism or something? You seem to have no idea what we're talking about. This is not a dating site. I'm not trying to impress anyone, and I have no reason to.



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  • calling yourself a idiot



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  • Thats some next level childishness right there. Congrats.



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  • Why? Because I'm happy you got what you deserve? I don't think it's childish at all. It's human nature to want justice.



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  • Yeah, but spamming nerf post for 4 years is okay right?



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  • 由PkmnGymLeader編輯: 1/23/2019 9:21:57 PM
    I would hardly call that "spam". That was just people addressing their complaints about certain balance issues. Whether I agree or not, it's fair. On the other hand, making a post that serves no purpose other than to flood the forums so no other issue can be brought up is in fact spam. One or 2 posts with 300 upvotes is enough. Having 20 that all say the exact same thing isn't.



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  • Don’t want to associate yourself and yet here you are.



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  • I'm here because I want to fight against the stupidity that lurks here. It's like killing a spider. I don't want to get close to it because of how disgusting it is, but I have to so it doesn't crawl into my personal space. If you're another stupid one, I'll explain my analogy to you. The spider is the stupid people on the forums, the wall the spider is on is the forums, and the rest of the room is Destiny.



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  • 2
    Maybe you should find a different room to stay in then, because I see more value in the spider than in you.



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  • I never posted anything about cores but the fact that others have for months and all they did was rename them shows how lost they are. Speaking of enhancing, you should work on your attitude.



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  • Rename, make them more common, and add more ways to get them... ALL things that are unnecessary if people knew how to manage their inventories...



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/23/2019 3:13:28 PM
    [quote]Rename, make them more common, and add more ways to get them...[/quote] No where near enough. They need to be about 200 to 500 TIMES more available than they are in the game for this system to actually work properly as an INVESTMENT system. But they dont' WANT it to work that way, because its---in reality---a CONTROL MECHANISM that only works to Bungie's benefit. [quote]ALL things that are unnecessary if people knew how to manage their inventories...[/quote] No. Only if you're willing to submit to a joyless grinding for nothing but a number for WEEKS...and an extremely narrow and limited play style that no other loot-based game in the last 20 years has demanded from its players. Vanilla Diablo 3s economy was as BRILLIANTLY designed compared to this shit-show....and that game nearly died because its player base wouldn't tolerate how Blizzard had mismanaged it. Yet you guy are like lab pigeons pecking at a food dispenser that it EMPTY....and defending all of Bungie's machinations to DISTRACT from the fact that it IS empty. Because you think that the obedient PECKING somehow makes you a "better" PIGEON. You may be willing to accept grinding for WEEKS to get to level cap just to play with mismatched armor, and a tiny fraction of the game's weapons..... ....but I'm not. ...and a LOT of us aren't. Back to pecking, Pigeon.



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  • “Pigeon” Wow. I’m a pigeon for not consistently crying about something I can easily control 😂😂😂 There are plenty of ways to get enhancement cores now. They [b][i][u]DID[/u][/i][/b] address it. And [b][u]IT IS ONLY AN ISSUE IF YOU MISMANAGE THEM.[/u][/b] You don’t have to like facts for them to be facts. I’m a simple man really. I don’t waste all my resources like an idiot. If more of this community could do that this wouldn’t be an issue... [spoiler]1. Enhancement cores bounties 2. Dismantling legendaries 3. Buying them. 4. Spider quests 5. Consumable to have them drop And if you’re still desperate you can always Complete old raids and dismantle all the masterworked gear... Plenty of ways to get them. Issue is the players...[/spoiler]



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  • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/23/2019 4:04:29 PM
    No. Pigeons were the lab specimen of choice when working out the mechanics of operant conditioning. The psychologic term for what Bungie is doing to you is called "intermittent reinforcement". It is a form of "operant conditioning" where you shape people's behavior by rewarding desirable behavior on an unpredictable schedule. What makes intermittent reinforcement so insidious is that it can cement a pattern of behavior in place even more strongly than consistently rewarding that behavior. When a behavior pattern is consistently rewarded, people---and pigeons----will quickly stop the behavior once the reward stops. When its intermittently rewarded it will often persist LONG after its no longer rewarded. Its the mechanism by which gambling----especially slot machines----can be so addicting for certain people. Its also why Bungie is BREAKING the relationship between progression and player time investment in this game. Its why so much of progression is being throttled and being swathed in RANDOMNESS. So that the grinding is no longer CONSISTENTLY rewarded....and we'll grind even harder to get that reward we've grown accustomed to. This. Isn't. An. Accident. ...and these changes weren't made to the game to improve YOUR experience of playing it.



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  • Addiction... you could’ve just said addiction... So you used a bunch of hoopla to explain how RPGs work? Cool... Instead of rambling off into psychology terms or theories I’ll keep my point simple... Enhancement cores as they are now called have plenty of [b][u]SURE[/u][/b] ways to attain them. That alone is enough to throw your whole argument out of the window. It then has RANDOM ways to get MORE if people really want. It is up to the players to maintain them and use them, not just waste them on any little thing he finds. It’s called [b][u]MANAGING[/u][/b] and is a mechanic in every goddamn game there has ever been. You can’t blame a company for someone mismanaging their shit. Just like you don’t blame the Wine and Spirits shop for someone’s drinking addiction. Just like you don’t blame the gambling machine from someone’s gambling addiction. That is up to THE PERSON to control. Patience is key... and apparently no one here has it...



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  • Conditioning is not the same as addiction. Addiction CAN result when conditioning cements in place a DESTRUCTIVE pattern of behavior. Lets be clear: 1. "Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't turn her into a w****e." The FUNCTION that cores serve in the game...and the fact that function is BROKEN...doesn't change simply because Bungie wants to patronize the community by treating us like we're stupid. 2. The system is broken because Bungie tied one of the most COMMON functions in the game, to the game's RAREST currency in order to SUPPRESS its use. Its how a thermostat controls the temperature in your house. When the temperature in the house goes cuts off power to the furnace so that the house cools off. In the summer it turns on the air conditioner so the termperature goes down. Its a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP. Its how you structure a system in order to RIGIDLY keep something within a narrow band. In this case, the rate of player progression through the game.....REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH that player invests time in the game playing. 3. Which is WHY most of the ways of getting more cores is RANDOM. By making it random, you BREAK any relationship between time invested...and the amount of cores obtained. Which...again....feedsback to SUPPRESS infusion and CONTROL progression rate. 4. No, its not called "Managing"....ITS CALLED **BROKEN**. In every WELL-DESIGNED loot-game, progression is an INVESTMENT process. You progress in the game in DIRECT propoprtion to how much time you invest in the game. The more you play---and the more difficult the content you play----THE FASTER YOU PROGRESS. Bungie doesn't want this, because they can't keep up with the content demands. So they have THROTTLED progression with this negative feedback loop.....instead of building a conventional INVESTMENT system. But----as Bungie always does, because they don't know what the -blam!- they're doing---THEY OVER DID IT. So its not only throttling progression....its destroyed half the END-game. Because its suppressing build creation, build variety, and player customization. Which is the LIFE BLOOD of any successful loot-game's end game. 5. You've got that backward. I'M NOT THE ADDICT. The addict is the person who continues to grind along without complaint....even after there is clearly no reward for the effort. The HEALTHY person is the one who steps up.....points out that this is BROKEN...and refuses to comply. Like in a dysfunctional family. The healthiest kid is usually the one who is acting out and making the most trouble. He (or she) is the one who understands that something is wrong....and isn't willing to go along quietly with the family's problems.



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