It's what the Ninjas do. They have a directive to remove posts to make make it seem that public opinion is favoring the current state of the game. They did their "Ninja" justice to myself and many others last year during their big clean up push. Ninja's such as the one who removed and commented on your post are the source of the problem and need to go.
Looking at you one sided Ninja.
It only proves that the ninjas are nothing more than fan boys with way to much power. Not to mention biased
I’ve been called a “bundle of sticks” a few times and nothing was ever done, yet I get 2 strikes one for call someone a stoner who freely admitted to heavy marijuana use while they play, and second for calling someone a D bag that was trivialising a persons depression
You are very right. Their code of conduct protects the Bungie Fan, even when it is clear as day said Bungie Fan violated the CoC. A Ninja should be non-biased; which is clearly not the case with the Ninjas. I have had not one interaction with a single Ninja and I walk away saying "You know this Ninja is doing their job right."
STILL looking at you Ninja, you are wrong and you know it!