There are 3 threads at the top of Feedback/Trending where you can feel free to continue your Feedback on this topic, which I'll link below.
As far as moved posts, I would recommend reading the Code of Conduct in full :
[quote]Bungie reserves the right to moderate this website and everything on it. You are here to contribute to the conversation, not to derail it. Any attempts to interfere with the discussion here will be removed. These guidelines require your best judgment, so please play nice. If you're not sure if the stuff you're about to share is appropriate for, don’t post it. That'll help you stay clear of the Banhammer's blast radius.[/quote]
Because [quote]There are 3 threads at the top of Feedback/Trending where you can feel free to continue your Feedback on this topic...[/quote] That's them cracking down on the spam without hiding the issue by leaving the most popular posts of the position where they are. Quite simple, really.
So? Moving the spam to #Feedback would just make that subforum full of spam. That would still be a disruption preventing others from sharing feedback on other topics. They leave the top threads on the topic while getting rid of the excessive ones. There is nothing wrong with that. It's almost like we've had this conversation before.
An yet when the forms were full of I hate bungie posts I'm quiting Destiny post next need blade barrage post did y'all do anything then nope uapl let it go. But God forbid enough people make the enhancement core post to get it noticed that not everyone is happy about that posts start being removed. Fyi that's what the forums are do to show distane for what is going on and anyone to everyone is allowed to make the post about something that needs to be changed. If 100 people make a post about enhancement cores then that is there right to do so because of what the forums is suppose to allow. Not just three or four posts with thousands of people agreeing or disagreeing. Sorry that's not how this works.
I have masterworked exactly zero weapons in Year two, due to prohibitive masterworking costs, and cores being a highly limited resource. I don't think that's how the game should work. Many others agree. No, I don't approve of the forum spamming, I've made that crystal clear. But I agree with the principle of the thing.
[quote]How does it feel to have absolutely no one approve of your statement. If you don't like hearing how people want cores out of infusion costs, I suggest you remove cores from fusion costs. The community has spoken. Do it. Now.[/quote] Has th community really spoken though? I don’t mean this disrespectfully at all! What I mean is, all people (majority of people) have done is made posts, copied posts, liked posts - by now, people should know that this isn’t effective at all. I personally have no issue with cores, but can fully understand why people do however the constant threads, posts on other peoples threads (which is disrespectful) is obviously not working! If the community is truly going to speak, and you all feel so strongly about this, then simply, stop playing, stop coming on to the forum and invest your time elsewhere. How many of you are posting this, liking this, but yet still play the game? Yes, perhaps makes no difference to Bungie at the moment as they got their money, but perhaps it would impact them when it comes to D3?
How about the devs stop ignoring the majority of players screaming about a problem persisting in the game in actually acknowledge it instead of ignoring it. Like seriously if they are gonna implement it then just say they are working on it, and if not then tell us you will not do it. Oh but if you say you wont do it then players might actually all leave at the same time... i guess just ignore it and instead of leaving all at the same time they will slowly leave forever. What could go wrong.
So let me get this straight, an overwhelming majority of YOUR paying player base is unhappy with something in the game and come out in droves to force you guys to listen because you never actually have so far and the reaction is deleted posts and threats of bans ? Fuuuuuuuuckkkkk youuuuuuuuuu. Ban that.
Oh I seeee. So voicing our opinions on how horrible of an idea making Masterwork cores needed for infusion is wrong? Maybe the wrong ones here are you moderators who keep us from asking for a change in the game, one that literally everyone wants. There's a thing called freedom of speech, and although yes, it can be effected if a person chooses to be a dick, it shouldn't be taken away when we repeatedly and unrelentingly ask for small changes that can be the difference between a successful D3, or a failure of a game. Because we the players choose to either buy the game, or not at all. Keep that in mind.