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由Kanon編輯: 1/20/2019 12:41:05 AM

Niobe Labs - Symbol not registering blind hits on Bypass 7

The Fish/Koi symbol on the floor in Niobe Labs is not registering hits from void weapons, like it should, and causing fireteams to fail Niobe at the very end, forcing them to start back up again from square one. I have experimented to make sure that it was not an issue on my end (restarting my PC, WiFi vs wired, I even put on mobile hotspot for the off chance it'd work. it didn't), or if it was an issue with the type of weapon I was using. It does not accept hits from any void weapon I tried (Scout rifle, sniper, LMG, hand cannon, linear fusion, and auto rifle were my experimental weapons), and wipes my team unfailingly. Only reason I'm claiming 99% is that there was a world's first, and lucky others that were unaffected by this, meaning it *has* to have worked at some point, luck be with them or not. Please address this Bungie, I like loot. EDIT: All was done on PC, in the Americas server. Should that be a factor. Didn't try it nor experiment in other realms.
#Help #Labs #niobe



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