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由Topkell編輯: 1/10/2019 2:34:09 AM

The Unidentified Frame quest and why it punishes people with bad RNG.

That would ruin the rarity of the bounties.


I like the idea.


I like the idea, it should cost more/ less.


I like the idea, but would use Shards instead.


DISCLAIMER: The issue I'm talking about here is about the Unidentified Frame quest, not about the fiasco behind the entirety of Niobe Labs. My issue with the quest is that the FIRST STEP requires RNG that I don't have and many don't. I wouldn't think this would be an issue if the second step was to complete the Shattered Throne, which is only around every 3 weeks. If they made this step the 1st, it would be better as right now, the week this launched, the Shattered Throne is available. But the worst part about this part of the quest is that it shows how Bungie isn't listening, as we have been saying since titles launched, we don't want RNG to hold us back from getting things. I pour plenty of hours into the game and the Forges but haven't gotten a single Rare Forge bounty. Now I have to pray to get one before Tuesday to get this done, because of the Shattered Throne part. They should have it so we can buy the rare bounties from Ada-1 for maybe ~30 Black Armory Schematics. The poll will be if you think they should add a way to buy rare bounties. EDIT: I do the Ada bounties almost every day.



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  • Bungie honestly needs to allow this to be purchased from Ada (and no not for some ridiculous amount of currency that people will have to insanely grind for). I’ve also been reading that many people in these forums knew from a data mine on reddit, that they should save the bounty if they received it a week or so ago. Why not post that kind of information on these forums instead of all the toxic fighting that is always going on in here? That would’ve been helpful for a lot of us who had previously received them, to save the bounty. I don’t check reddit so I wouldn’t have known. But I do check these forums like the rest of us. Would’ve been helpful to know to save it. Instead I have one on one of my characters that don’t have the forges unlocked. 😩



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