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1/5/2019 11:08:49 PM

Gambit Suspension

I literally bought a new modem bc I was having connection issues all last week w crucible, gambit, and strikes.. I set up the wifi 3 hrs ago. Booted up gambit, and was disconnected 3 times in a row. Now I'm suspended for lord knows how long and it's not even my fault. Destiny 2 is literally the only game that I disconnect from. I love this game more than anything but the amount of money I put into it is not worth it if I cannot connect and play longer than 5 min in a match making game. I know I'm just one person out of your 100 thousand on xbox, but I put money in your pockets for a reason... you're killing me smalls.... FIX THIS and I'll continue to purchase future services. Until then, I'm just a voice in the crowd. Oh and btw my husband works for the cable company so I've done ALL the troubleshooting and port opening and mac address stuff ur supposed to do in order to better my gameplay... my heart sinks to know that the issue is with destiny and not my ignorance. #midwestmamaaintstupid



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  • [quote]I literally bought a new modem bc I was having connection issues all last week w crucible, gambit, and strikes.. I set up the wifi 3 hrs ago. Booted up gambit, and was disconnected 3 times in a row. Now I'm suspended for lord knows how long and it's not even my fault. Destiny 2 is literally the only game that I disconnect from. I love this game more than anything but the amount of money I put into it is not worth it if I cannot connect and play longer than 5 min in a match making game. I know I'm just one person out of your 100 thousand on xbox, but I put money in your pockets for a reason... you're killing me smalls.... FIX THIS and I'll continue to purchase future services. Until then, I'm just a voice in the crowd. Oh and btw my husband works for the cable company so I've done ALL the troubleshooting and port opening and mac address stuff ur supposed to do in order to better my gameplay... my heart sinks to know that the issue is with destiny and not my ignorance. #midwestmamaaintstupid[/quote]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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